InTouch with Southern Kentucky April 2020 | Page 19

“We work in tandem with them, but we aren’t a part of them. We’re a separate entity,” he said, meaning that patients don’t have to be going to Mindsight to be seen by Snow. Congruence in Care offers a variety of disciplines, including primary care, arthritis treatment, weight loss and pharmacogenom- ics (PGx) testing. That last one is a genetic test that, as Snow explained, “looks at the DNA of the patient to see which medications they can ben- efit better from, or for people that have issues with medicine. It just helps narrow down what would benefit the patient and what they should stay away from.” Crowley added, “With the PGx, since I am a clinical pharmacist, we’re the only group in town that actually has a pharmacist on staff that reviews medication usage, so that I can make a recommen- dation based on what [Snow’s] seen.” He continued, “It’s a really use- ful tool for taking the guesswork out of giving medications to a patient.” It is covered by Medicaid and Medicare, but most commercial insurance don’t pay for the test- ing. There are programs that can decrease the cost, they said. As of right now, Crowley and Snow are the only two staff mem- bers of Congruence in Care. Snow said, “We’ve got a plan for if we get busier, but right now we’re just trying to see how we progress.” Crowley explained, “So many businesses open up and hire 15 people, and we’ve got all this staff and then nobody shows up. And we didn’t want to do that. … I wanted to open it up and grow as we could. We’ve got one woman that answers the phones for us remotely, and then I help buffer whatever in-between. We’ve got plans to hire additional staff as we start to grow. We plan on having multiple nurse practitioners and a full staff here in the next little bit.” Crowley told patients to expect to be listened to and given the time they need to explain their symptoms. They don’t “double-book” pa- tients, he said. Most of the time, there is almost no wait to see Snow. Whether the patient calls and makes an appointment, or someone is a walk-in they will do everything they can to see that patient as quickly as possible. For more information, visit Con- gruence in Care’s website, www., visit their Facebook page or call at 1-800- 401-8213. CONGRUENCE CONGRUE IN CARE IN CAR MODERN MEDICINE MODERN MED OLD-FASHIONED CARE OLD-FASHIONE OUR TEAM OUR MISSION OUR TEAM OUR TEAM CONGRUEN IN CARE NURSE PRACTITIONER Lauren Snow, APRN, FNP-C CLINICAL PHARMACIST Joshua Crowley, Pharm.D. NURSE PRACTITIONER Joshua Crowley M arch 2020 work with all you helps you liv OUR SERVICES • PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER • SICK VISITS • MEDICALLY MANAGED WEIGHT LOSS • TELEHEALTH • ORTHOPEDIC CONSULTATIONS • ARTHRITIS TREATMENTS • PHARMACOGENOMICS TESTING OU • PR • MEDICA MODERN MEDIC OLD-FASHIONED • ORTH C • AR Lauren Snow, APRN, FNP-C ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! • PHAR NURSE PRACTITIONER CLINICAL PHARMACIST OUR MISSION OUR TEAM “Congruence our name our goal! OUR Lauren Snow, is APRN, FNP-C ACCEPTI Joshua Crowley, Pharm.D. in Care,” Most major insurances accepted. No insurance? Ask about our Preventative Medicine Plan. We strive to help bring all parts of YOUR “Congruence in Most CLINICAL PHARMACIST We strive to help healthcare goods into focus! No insurance? As healthc Joshua Crowley, Pharm.D. We will help you find the answers you haven’t We will help you find the work with all your prov 600 Monticello Suite gotten yet St and work 2 with all your providers to develop plan of care that helps you live a helps you live a he Somerset, KY a 42501 healthier more proactive 800-401-8213 600 lifestyle. Monticello St Suite 2 [email protected] Somerset, KY 42501 800-401-8213 • PRIMAR • PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER [email protected] • S • MEDICALLY MANAGED WEIGHT LOSS • MEDICALLY M • TELEHEALTH • T •ORTHOPEDIC CONSULTATIONS • ORTHOPED • ARTHRITIS TREATMENTS • PHARMACOGENOMICS TESTING • ARTHR • PHARMACO NURSE PRACTITIONER CONTACT US CONTACT US OUR SERVICES “With the PGx, since I am a clinical pharmacist, we’re the only group in town that actually has a pharmacist on staff that reviews medication usage, so that I can make a recommendation based on what [Snow’s] seen.” OU “Congruence in Care”, our name is our goal! We strive to help you bring all parts of YOUR healthcare goals into focus! “Congrue We will help you find the answers you haven’t gotten yet and We strive work with all your providers to develop a plan of care that h helps you live a healthier more proactive lifestyle! We will help you fi ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS! OUR major insurances ACCEPTING Lauren Most Snow, APRN, FNP-C accepted. Most major No insurance? Ask about our CLINICAL PHARMACIST Preventative Medicine Plan. No insurance? Ask abou Joshua Crowley, Pharm.D. CONTACT US 600 Monticello St Suite 2 Somerset, K Y 42501 800-401-8213 [email protected] I n T ouch with S outhern K entucky • 19