InTouch Newsletter March 2018 Pathways_InTouch_March_2018 | Page 6

Children’s Healing Garden Groundbreaking: April 5 After much anticipation, we are excited to announce that the Children’s Healing Garden is ready to break ground! This momentous occasion will be celebrated at a Groundbreaking Ceremony on Thursday, April 5 at 9 a.m. at our Fort Collins location – 305 Carpenter Road. All community members are invited to attend to learn more about the Garden and enjoy light refreshments. Plans for the Children’s Healing Garden were first announced at the end of 2016 with the launch of a $500,000 capital campaign to fund the project. Since then, numerous individuals and businesses in our community have banded together to raise funds for this important project. The Garden will be constructed on the east side of the Pathways Counseling Center and is designed to engage grieving children in therapeutic activities to help them better understand the life-death cycle. The architecture design is being spearheaded by the FronTerra Group, and Waterwise Land & Waterscapes is leading the landscaping. We look forward to creating this space for grieving children in our community and we hope you will celebrate the groundbreaking with us! Benefits of the Garden: • Increase capacity for hope over time by engaging activities • Identify and express feelings that may have not been recognized or understood • Increase understanding of self and others, especially related to grief • Build self-esteem by validation in the group setting • Experience nature-based environments as a healthy avenue for stress release and through engaging in the care of plants • Healthy brain function that results from working in soil 6 | P AT H W AY S I N - T O U C H N E W S L E T T E R M A R C H 2 0 1 8