eventually brought into my life
the most precious gift of all, the
knowledge that Jesus could be my
very own personal saviour.
They were the only people I had
ever met who did not just go to
church but lived out their Christian
lives on a daily basis. Caring and
loving people not just now and
then but always. I cannot explain
how much I loved them both and
how because of them my life was
changed forever.
I started to go to a local Brethren
Church with them and Michael
went to Sunday School for the
first time. He loved it so much
and eventually Jack was making
two trips each Sunday because
Michael recruited so many of
his friends the car was not big
One day I went to Waterlooville
to hear Dorine Ervine speak, she
had written a book called “From Witchcraft to Christ”
and I had read this. I knew that I was really seeking
the Lord and I asked Him into my life that day. From
that moment on I was never lonely again, although
nothing changed in a practical way, Colin still had to
go to sea a lot, but now I just knew that I had the Lord
with me and whatever came my way, He would and
still is the first person I go to for help or just to say
thank you for the joys he has brought into my life.
Eventually Joyce and Jack started, along with another
Christian couple, a house church which I went to for
all of the first few years of my Christian journey. The
teaching at this church was second to none and I will
always be grateful for the fellowship and love God’s
people showed to each other in that church. This
small church is now a thriving community church in
a large comprehensive school and has gone from
strength to strength, much like our own small chapel
has done.
I look back and realise that throughout all my life,
even before I knew the Lord Jesus for myself, God’s
love had always been with me guiding me into a
happy marriage, giving me two lovely boys, and even
though Colin was away when Michael was born and I
was quite ill during the birth, the Lord even then had
his hand on me and gave me the strength to cope
with all that lay ahead. He gave me the joy of Colin
seeing his son for the first time when he was 10
months old. Unless you have experienced this kind
of thing in your life, it may be hard to comprehend
but in those days Navy life was like this and the Lord
was my strength and stay in all of this.
I have spent many Christmas times without being
together as a family but I have always had the
knowledge of what Christmas really is and for me it will
always be the day that the world received its greatest
gift our Lord Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today
and forever.
Why not give Him a chance this year to be your
Saviour too, you do not have to earn it, buy it or work
for it, it is His free gift to you and all you have to do is
take it and ask Him into your life. Do it because I can
guarantee you will never be sorry you did.
“I look back and realise that
throughout all my life God’s
love had always been with me
guiding me”