Intl Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 4, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 86

International Journal of Open Educational Resources 8 . How likely is it - following this course - that you will join the LibOER listserv ? 1 = Not at all likely 2 = Somewhat likely 3 = Neither likely or not likely 4 = Quite likely 5 = Highly likely
9 . How likely is it - following this course - that you will subscribe to the OER Digest e-mail newsletter ?
1 = Not at all likely 2 = Somewhat likely 3 = Neither likely or not likely 4 = Quite likely 5 = Highly likely
10 . Which do you think is the most important reason to advocate for OER / open education in K-12 or college :
• Save individual students or school districts money by not buying commercial textbooks
• Enable all students to be academically successful by having day one access to all course learning materials
• Give teachers / educators agency / control over their own course learning materials
• Advance librarianship ' s social justice mission by working for all students ' right to have equitable access to course learning materials
• Other :
10 . Should LIS programs offer a dedicated course on OER / open education ? 1 = Yes 2 = No 3 = Not sure