Intl Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 4, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 84

International Journal of Open Educational Resources
Appendix Survey Instrument
1 . Why did you register for this course ? ( choose all that apply )
• Heard about OER / open education in the SJSU scholarly communications course and wanted to learn more about open education
• Heard about OER on the job and wanted to learn more
• Heard about OER / open education on a listserv , at a webinar or other program and wanted to learn more
• Had not previously heard about OER / open education and was just curious
• I needed one credit and this course seemed like the best option
• Other :
2 . How effectively did this course fulfill your interest to learn more about OER / open education ?
1 = Not at all effective 2 = Somewhat effective 3 = Neither effective or ineffective 4 = Mostly effective 5 = Highly effective
3 . How likely would you be to recommend this course to a fellow student who wants to learn about open education ?
1 = Not at all likely 2 = Somewhat likely 3 = Neither likely or not likely 4 = Quite likely 5 = Highly likely
4 . Rate your level of confidence in your knowledge of OER / open education prior to taking this course .