Intl Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 4, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 79

Designing and Developing an Open Education Course for Library Science Students Table 3 . Rate Your Level of Confidence After the Course [ N = 17 ]
5 = High Level of Confidence 41 % ( 7 ) 4 47 % ( 8 ) 3 6 % ( 1 ) 2 6 % ( 1 ) 1 = Low Level of Confidence 0 % ( 0 )
That said , an instructor would prefer their course to do more than just achieve the stated learning outcomes . A desirable outcome is to influence students in a way that truly makes a difference in their career outlook . The survey asked students to indicate the potential impact of the course on their career outlook . In the course , students learned about the emerging specialty position , open education librarian . Table 4 provides results to a question asking students if they ’ d be likely to apply for such a position , and it appears that they would indeed . While it ’ s impossible to know just how likely it is students would follow through on this , it suggests that after taking this course it is a more realistic option for them than at any time prior to the course .
Table 4 . Would You Apply for an Open Education Librarian Job ? [ N = 17 ]
5 = High Likely 30 % ( 5 ) 4 30 % ( 5 ) 3 40 % ( 7 ) 2 0 % ( 1 ) 1 = Not at all Likely 0 % ( 0 )
Admittedly , committing to a career choice after a four-week course is a bit of a leap of faith , but what about a smaller commitment to taking action after completing the course . How likely is it that students would want to continue learning about and engaging with professional development programs related to open education ? In response to a question about their interest , the vast majority of students , as indicated in Table 5 , expressed their desire to continue building on their potential as open education librarians .
Table 5 . Would You Attend an Open Education Professional Development Program ? [ N = 17 ]
5 = High Likely 82 % ( 14 ) 4 12 % ( 2 ) 3 6 % ( 1 ) 2 0 % ( 0 ) 1 = Not at all Likely 0 % ( 0 )