You were born with a special gift. What has been your greatest motivation throughout your youth for
accomplishing all that you have thus far?
“My greatest motivation is probably my mom because she’s been so active in my life. It was always
normal for me. I didn’t think for a second, other kids didn’t have that. Or even if they did have a mom,
they didn’t have one that took the time out to really sit with them and learn their career with them, or
for them so it could be taught to them. She’s really steady with me. We get into it sometimes. We fuss
and fight about some clothes, but at the end of the day, I know she has my best interest. Also, my
brother and producer, Gphonix, the way he just constantly wants get better and be better. Some people
reach a point where they are just comfortable with themselves like they made it. He just never gets
comfortable. He is always trying to learn new music, different sounds in which we work on them in the
studio together, and he’s teaching me how to write. That’s just the biggest gift I could ever receive, and
that’s my family.”
You’ve had your career going on all throughout your youth. You also were in school as an honor
student. How were you able to balance your life, schooling, and your career all at the same time at
such a young age?
“It was kind of normal for me to be able to come in do my schoolwork and get it out of the way. Then go
and do whatever I had to do on set. Then on addition to that when I was really young, they would require
us to bring a progress report card to the set to be able to get the job. What this is showing everyone is
that I was able to sit on the set, pay attention, and remember what is going on. This is what they
expected of me to do. So I had to make A’s and B’s at a certain point in my life just to be able to do what
I wanted to do. School was kind of easy for me. Remembering things and then going to dance class and
then remembering choreography that just kept my mind going. It wasn’t balance, it went hand in hand.”
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
“In the next 5 years, I would love to be on tour with my music at that point. I would love to be able to
headline or co-headline a tour with someone else. Being an actual headliner is the biggest stretch in life.
I think that is the goal for 5 years. I would love to turn the QT Collection to a full makeup line, so we can
have foundation and eye shadows and stuff like that. Those are my main priorities right now between
touring, if I was to reach that point of touring before that 5 year mark, I would like to jump into acting as
an entertainer.”
What county or states would you like to hit, if you had the opportunity to headline a tour?
“In the United States, at home in Atlanta. I would love to go to Florida. A lot of southern states support
me the most, such as Alabama, Tennessee, and the Carolinas. I could reach New York, but I can’t
comprehend what they have going on up there because it’s just so beautiful, amazing, and fast for me.
LA is beautiful as well. London and the UK would be great too!
I enjoyed interviewing QT JAZZ. She had me laughing off and on. I loved her personality. She hopes to
get into comedy, and I know that she would definitely do well in that area too. Be sure to check out her
website at to hear her music, watch her videos, purchase her lip gloss and much more.