18 CONTACT TERMINAL In the Contact Terminal, guests will ac- iPod Touch Interactive Tool - Each IN- Digital Displays - The Contact Terminal cess the latest advancements and break- TERSPACE guest will be provided with a will feature a selection of large format, high throughs from the NewSpace industry via iPod Touch loaded with custom software to definition screens presenting the latest coverage of breaking events, appearances guide them through their experience. The content from INTERSPACE and our part- by NewSpace leaders, and live demon- iPod will provide on-demand information, ners. These high visibility areas provide strations. They can even purchase tickets track their customizable schedule, and significant exposure for minimal invest- for real spaceflight and space training provide an interactive interface with various ment. Most partners will consider provid- • Restaurant / Cafe experiences. elements of the attraction. Both the iPod ing content or advertising, but the displays • Cosmotots Zone Space Experience Ticketing Areas - and the custom software are opportunities themselves could also be provided by a for partner entities. technology partner. INTERSPACE guests are a prescreened audience, interested in and curious about Restaurant / Cafe - Serving a variety of space and technology experiences. Space American fare, the restaurant / café within and adventure tourism firms can locate the Contact Terminal is the main eating within the Contact Terminal, obtaining area within the attraction. A partner com- direct interaction with INTERSPACE guests. pany can create and operate this element. (Examples include suborbital journeys, orbital space flight, parabolic flights, etc.) Cosmotots Zone - For guests with younger children INTERSPACE can provide Hardware / Tech Showcase Elements - dedicated educational programming and Placing your hardware or technology within care in this area, while the remainder of the the Contact Terminal (the point of entry for family enjoys the rest of the attraction. the facility) assures you maximum visibility. Both static hardware displays as well as more dynamic, interactive areas will be considered. Multiple options are available in a range of square footage. CONTACT TERMINAL ELEMENTS • Space Ticketing Areas • Hardware / Tech Showcase • iPod Touch Interactive Tool • Digital Displays