Intersection Ideagen Fall 2014 Quarterly Review Fall 2014 | Page 9

Intersection Ideagen


America's Charities

Wednesday, September 17

9 Magazine / October 2014

"I’ve now participated several Ideagen summits including an Ideagen X, custom cross-sector summit, that the Ideagen team executed for my organization, America’s Charities. These convenings and the ideation process that Ideagen has developed generates more robust discussion and actionable outcomes than any other format I’ve engaged with. If a process can be transformational, then this is it!"

- Steve Delfin, CEO of America's Charities

The Ideagen mission is to create a a zero degree platform to foster an environment for cross-sector collaboration. Our objective is to nurture and strengthen connections and communication between organizations, which, together, have the ability to create innovative solutions to some of today's most vexing issues. Large-scale change to meet the unprecedental social, resource, business, political and organizational challenges of today requires broad cross-sector coordination. When organiations and leaders from different sectors commit to solving a specific problem through a collective approach, they can make a collective impact that far exceeds the potential of their individual agendas.

Custom Convening for the

World's Leading Organizations

At Ideagen, we believe it is vital to continually analyze our performance based on organizational requirements and expectations. While performance metrics are typically inward focused on finance related topics, we believe they can and should be applied to our work on behalf of organizations to measure the scope, quality, and actions taken towards developing and implementing strategic visioning via cross-section collaboration based on the Stanford model of collective impact.

Utilizing graphic facilitation and strategic visioning, our experienced team of professionals review and gather feedback from the Ideagen membership regarding input for both the top-line what paper recommendations and graphic/strategic visioning to ensure the vision and strategic reflect the collective impact cross-sector convening for maximum impact/utilization.