Intersection 2019: Arrival Intersection 2019 Arrival Resource Pack | Page 2

2. Compose a monologue in which your character explains why they feel like they don’t belong, and what they aim to do - or wish they could do - to feel more like they fit in. Perform your monologue for the class. → POST-SHOW ACTIVITY: WRITE A REVIEW Reviews are an important part of theatre criticism and a useful exercise for processing your thoughts about a performance. → ACTIVITY: IDENTITY & SELF- PERCEPTION To write a great review be sure to give the reader: Many of the characters in Intersection 2019: Arrival feel out of place and are struggling to forge an identity for themselves in a world that sometimes feels like it doesn’t accept them. • 1. Imagine a character who feels like they don’t fit in. Ask yourself: • Where is my character right now, and where have they come from? • Why do they feel like they don’t belong? • What do they imagine they need to feel like they belong, and what do they plan to do to get it? • What’s standing in their way? TIP: MAKE A G.O.T.E SHEET A G.O.T.E sheet is a tool actors use to better understand their character. It’s a list of your character’s: • • • The details of the performance (where, when and by whom), A short, spoiler-free overview of the plot and key themes, A description of the overall style and tone of the piece, Your objective analysis of the quality of the performances, the effectiveness of the staging and production elements and an evaluation of the overall impact the production had on you. REMEMBER: When giving your personal opinion, always try to justify it with examples from the performance and weigh it against your personal tastes. Email your review of Intersection 2019: Arrival to [email protected] and we’ll publish the best ones on our website! • Goals: What they want from life • Objectives: What they want in this scene • Tactics: What they’ll do to get it • Expectations: What they think will happen if they succeed Knowing these things about your character will help you understand how they’ll feel and what they’ll say in any given situation. AUSTRALIAN THEATRE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Suite 302 52-58 William St, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 e: [email protected] | Ph: 02 9270 2400 | Facebook: Join the group ATYP For Teachers Visit and for more resources and to watch our past productions 2 of 2