Internship Toolkit | Page 36


The Application


WHEN WILL I NEED ONE ? Typically , a CV will be used when applying to smaller employers , specialist areas or for speculative applications . This is the case for both work experience and permanent employment .
WHAT DOES A PERFECT CV LOOK LIKE ? The perfect CV does not exist . Different positions , employers and circumstances will require individual approaches . CVs must convey your achievements , experiences and skills relevant to the opportunity to which you are applying . There are , however , general guidelines that can give you a framework to build upon .
WHAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN A CV ? Whilst the order of content can vary according to the role and organisation , it is advisable to include :
Personal Details - don ’ t forget your e-mail address . Information such as gender or age is not required . Depending upon the sector you are targeting , you might want a link to your LinkedIn account , web pages , portfolio or your HEAR ( Higher Education Achievement Report ).
Education - place the focus on recent study . Give details as appropriate whether it be module information or skills developed through study and research .
Work Experience - do not overlook any part-time , vacation or voluntary work you have already undertaken . Give brief but accurate descriptions expanding on skills / roles that might be relevant to the role to which you are applying .
Interests / Activities - avoid simply giving a list of what you do . Be selective and draw upon areas that may have developed skills , insight or expanded relevant knowledge . Draw out positions of responsibility and ensure that your role is clearly explained .
Other Skills / Abilities - these may include IT skills , language abilities ... whatever would add evidence of your suitability to the position for which you are applying .
References - it is usual to give two references . Ideally , one should be an academic referee , and the other employment based . Do remember to check that the referees are happy to be named .
ANYTHING ELSE ? Yes . Whilst there are always exceptions , the following guidelines are worth bearing in mind :
• For conventional CVs , do not exceed two pages of A4 .
• Print it out on good quality white or cream paper for posting and pdf it to maintain format if emailing .
• Be consistent . This applies to chronology , terminology and layout .
• Ensure that spelling , grammar and punctuation are flawless .
• Don ’ t leave any unexplained gaps - employers dislike the unknown . Always give details of any time-out .
• Review and adapt your CV for different employers and positions . One size does not fit all .
• Accompany the CV with a covering letter telling the reader why you are writing , why you are interested , and what you have to offer . Again , the covering letter cannot be mass produced , but needs tailoring to each opportunity .
A CV is your sales opportunity – make the most of it .