Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 96

If you’re having difficulty brainstorming ideas for content that will satisfy your prospects’ intent, gather a group of people in your organization who have contact with your customers and prospects. Salespeople, customer service representatives, trade-show workers, and others who hear the voice of the customer and prospect should be present. These members of your team can help you discover holes in your content that would satisfy a prospect’s intent. Brainstorm lists of intent at the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel. Then decide what content assets need to be built to satisfy that intent from awareness through conversion. Providing a path to the next step As a marketer, you need to provide a path from one piece of content to the next. People are busy and don’t have the time or the patience to go digging through your site for the proper piece of content. They need to be able to find what they’re looking for fast. Failing to provide an easy-to-follow path to the next step isn’t just bad marketing, it’s a bad user experience, one that will cause people to hit the Back button on your site and leave it altogether. Smart content marketers anticipate the next logical intent and remove as much “friction” as possible to create a clear path to conversion. The goal of every piece of content is to get the prospect to ascend to the next logical s