Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 50
Balancing Your Marketing Campaign
You may be thinking, “Which campaign should I be using in my business?” This is the
wrong question, however. The right question is, “Which campaign should I be using in my
business right now?” Every business should deploy each campaign type at different times
to different people. So consider a few questions:
Do you want more leads and customers for your business?
Do you want to sell more to the customers you have or activate customers and leads
who haven’t purchased in a while?
Do you want to turn customers into raving fans willing to buy anything you offer, and
give you testimonials and referrals?
The answer, of course, is yes on all accounts.
But this point is critical to understand: One campaign can’t replace or do the job of
another. An Acquisition campaign can’t do the job of a Monetization campaign. Likewise,
a Monetization campaign can’t do the job of an Engagement campaign. Each campaign
excels at meeting one particular goal. To maintain a healthy, sustainable business, you need
to allocate time on your calendar for all three major campaign types.
If you run nothing but Acquisition campaigns, you’ll never be profitable. If you run
nothing but Monetization campaigns, you’ll never add new leads and customers and, as a
result, you won’t grow. If you run nothing but Engagement campaigns, you’ll have a loyal
audience, but you’ll never convert your audience into customers.
If you have no sales but do have a massive following on social media, a popular
blog, or podcast with lots of subscribers or downloads, you have mastered the art of
creating Engagement campaigns. The good news is that you have accomplished one
of the most difficult tasks in digital marketing: building an audience. By adding
Acquisition and Monetization campaigns to your marketing mix, you can transform
that audience into a profitable business.