Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 134

Source: movemoreburnmore/ FIGURE 6-2: An example of a series post from LA Fitness. Definition post In niches in which the market needs to be educated, the definition post is an absolute must. As the name suggests, it’s an article that defines a topic, and it works well in industries and markets that have their own terms and lingo. For the definition post, you can create content around a particularly confusing or complex topic and then explain and inform your readers about that topic. For the definition post, consider creating a series of posts that define aspects of your niche. You get bonus points if you can logically define something in your market that is unique, unusual, or controversial. Presenting one or more of these aspects helps you stand out while also creating engagement in your post. YouTube cut-up post This post leverages a popular YouTube video to create stellar content. It can be your video or, if you have permission, someone else’s video. To create this article type, take screenshots at different stages during the video and add text explanations. Then embed the entire video into your post. This is a super-fast and easy way to create high-value and engaging content from video.