Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 126
Another important way to optimize your blog is to cross-link related and relevant sites to
your blog article. You can link to other sites that aren’t associated with your brand but are
relevant to the topic of the article. You can also cross-link to other blog posts you’ve
written that elaborate on or enrich a point that you make in your latest post.
Categorizes your topics
As your blog expands, you may find yourself covering a larger base of topics. This is
where categorizing and organizing your blogs posts comes into play. For instance, an
economics blog may cover a wide variety of topics, such as tax tips, financial planning,
budget and saving, and others. To help readers find what they are looking for, include
categories, also called tags, on each post you publish.
Including categories helps to improve user experience, which in turn increases the value
that you bring to your audience. Although it’s often as simple as selecting a box by using
your mouse, selecting the right category for your blog posts is an important checkpoint of
any blog post audit.
Completely delivers on the promise
If the goal of the headline and introduction is to make a compelling promise, the job of the
body of the blog post is to ensure that the article delivers completely on that promise. If the
post doesn’t fulfill the promise made, amend your headline or get back to work on the
blog post. Nothing destroys the reputation of your blog quicker than writing a great
headline and failing to deliver in the article.
That said, this element of the audit is about more than simply delivering on the promise.
You’re also making sure that every idea presented in the post is appropriately “fleshed out”
and doesn’t leave your audience confused or needing more information to understand the
point. Look for areas in the post that you can strengthen by adding
Media (images, video, audio)
Internal or external links to more information
Go the extra mile with each and every article, and you’ll see results. Consider producing
fewer posts that are exceptionally complete, as opposed to a high volume of content that
leaves the audience wanting.
Keeps professional consistency
What’s the voice or personality of your brand? Is it professional? Snarky? Academic?
Whatever it may be, produce content that reinforces your brand. For instance, a law firm
blog probably shouldn’t use curse words in its articles. But an edgy motorcycle blog has a