Internet Marketing Digital_marketing_for_dummies | Page 103
your various customer avatars, you’ll get plenty of love from Google and other
search engines. You can learn more about search marketing in Chapter 8.
Using social media to drive traffic to your site
After you have created a piece of content, use the social media platform(s) that your
business participates in to drive traffic to that content. We describe how to use social media
in greater detail in Chapter 9, but for now, be aware that driving traffic on social media
may take several forms, such as a tweet on Twitter or an update on Facebook or LinkedIn.
This update announces the new content and provides a hyperlink to it.
When you write text for a social media update, your brand’s personality should determine
how you announce this new content. For instance, if your brand is a refined jewelry store,
you may want to use a formal tone in your copy.
The length of the copy depends on restrictions (such as on Twitter) and the complexity of
the offer. Simple offers don’t require the same amount of description as complex offers
do. Regardless of the length of the copy, be sure that the social media update piques the
viewer ’s curiosity, describes the benefit of the content, and has a clear call to action, such
as the home improvement store Lowe’s Facebook post shown in Figure 4-10. This social
media update meets all three of these requirements effectively.
FIGURE 4-10: On Facebook, Lowe’s establishes the benefit of the content and gives a clear call to action for the viewer to
Paying for traffic