Internet Learning Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2012 | Page 6

The Professor as Craftsman in the Digital Age 5 System uses national benchmarked tests by Princeton’s Educational Testing Service (ETS) such as the Proficiency Profile and Major Field Tests in various majors. This shows them where they stack up against other colleges and other programs. At the end of each class the University uses the Community of Inquiry (COI) end of class survey to measure the indirect experience of the student. The COI is a scientifically validated instrument that has been taken by more than 500,000 online students and was designed to measure the efficacy of the online classroom (Boston and Boston 2010). This instrument looks at three kinds of presences. Social presence measures how much social engagement there is in the classroom as a learning environment. Teaching presence measures the student’s perception of the effectiveness of the teacher as leader of the class. Cognitive presence measures the student’s opinion of how successful the class has been designed and set up as a learning environment. By combining drops, withdrawals and failing grades with the ETS data and the COI data we are beginning to get a more complete picture of the online classroom. This combination of direct and indirect measures helps us understand what is going on in the classroom. But this university is not done yet. Using IBM’s SPSS Modeler and predictive analytics they have analyzed more than 80 variables of student data such as gender, age, GPA, number of credits transferred in and so on. They can use this data to predict which students are likely to succeed and which need interventions. Other universities have used similar measures to manage student success with varying degrees of accuracy One of the hallmarks of the university has been the role of the faculty in governance. Faculty has the responsibility of governance because of their expertise as scholars (Birnbaum 1988). With the introduction of online learning to the university this can be seen to challenge the professor’s role as expert. While professors are experts in their subject matter, many are not experts in pedagogy and learning theory. There are now instructional designers, faculty development specialists, and learning theorists who can contribute to the student success in new ways. For example, I took my Ph.D. in philosophy and never took a single class in teaching, pedagogy, classroom management, or student management. I knew nothing about learning theory. I started my first job teaching Introduction to Philosophy in a local college. I walked into the first class and began to teach much like “Athena was born full grown sprung from the head of Zeus.” Athena was not a baby—she was born full grown. The idea of the professor is also that there is no gestation period. They come to their profession full grown and mature in their craft. If we challenge the idea that experts in biology and psychology and philosophy may not be experts in teaching we challenge the fundamental idea of the University. With the digital classroom there are new tools and new roles for the professor (Christensen and Eyring 2011). The classroom as communal means the professor is being decentralized. As this happens the very concept of the power of faculty is challenged. Since the birth of online learning there has been a significant hostility to digital classrooms by members the professorship. Suddenly cheating online became an issue of focus in online courses when in fact it has been an issue for the whole history of the university. Suddenly there were questions about the quality of online learning when in fact these questions apply just as well to the traditional classroom. We will argue that there is a good reason for this. For the first time in the history of the university, there is public record of the class that can be accessed by those who are not experts in the field. This changes the balance of power and the structure of teaching. It changes how we think about grading. It challenges some long held beliefs about academic freedom.