International Tutors' Magazine February 2019 | Page 13
Left: The great Neuschwanstein Castle in
southern Germany.
Top: Making friends in the exchange program.
can lead a classroom activity from preparing
the materials to printing the leaf patterns
on the eggs through a boiling experiment.
initial struggle between a publishing company
in Taiwan and a university in Germany, I
opted to return to Germany. As an intern in
the International Office of IÖB (Institute of
In addition, I studied British Children Economic Education) in Oldenburg, I was
Literature and got the chance to study and so proud to be the first Asian working in this
analyze novels and pictures books such as company. Luckily, I also found support in my
Matilda and The Secret Garden. It was then supervisor and colleagues with international
that I realized I hadn’t fallen in love with backgrounds, from countries such as Poland
learning for a long time now. I realized my keen and Russia. During the 2-month internship,
interest in children literature and eagerness I helped with research and international
to keep exploring in this subject field was projects and gave presentations about Hong
immense. Thanks to this chance to explore, I Kong. These projects themselves were
had found my passion and endeavored to do impressive; yet experiencing the difference in
research on children literature for my honors working styles and mentality between East
project back home. Without this exchange and West was even more valuable as it offered
experience, I also would have never
me so much space to reflect on
witnessed people’s seriousness
how to show full respect and
and strong focus on their
communicate with colleagues
hadn't fallen in from different cultures.
pursuit of studies and interests;
this love of learning also love with learning
strengthened my university
I believe the best way to
studies back in Hong Kong.
understand a culture is to hear
less from others but feel more
my love towards the beautiful country of with heart and think more critically. After
Germany, too, and this love brought me working in this institute, I’ve learned to reject
back to Germany again in the following year. the stereotypes that Germans are always strict
and reluctant to new changes. From the first
During my year 3 studies, I started to plan day to the last, the director and colleagues
where to go for an internship. Despite my of the institute motivated me as an intern to