International Tutors' Magazine December 2018 | Page 18

INTERNATIONAL TUTORS’ MAGAZINE NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 DIFFERENT ROLES, DIFFERENT EMOTIONS BY CATHERINE DAI LITING On 4 October, a competitive tryout was held at EdUHK for potential new members of a dancing team, attracting a wealth of dancing amateurs. The newcomers looked nervous and excited, while the judges looked kind and professional. A thought- provoking phenomenon you can discover is that people’s emotions are always influenced by their position. On the one hand, interviewees tend to be constrained and uneasy. On the other hand, judges tend to be relaxed and focused. What would the judges feel if standing in the position of the potential candidates? Would they still be relaxed and focused? It is interesting to see in these photos how position is linked to emotions. Cultivating the awareness of how your emotions are affected by your circumstances, and learning how to adjust your mentality accordingly is of great significance if you want to be harmonious with the external world. I believe this would definitely lead to a successful and smoother life. v Bottom: All the candidates are completely absorbed by the instructor’s demonstration, keen to pick up the moves as quickly as possible. Bottom: The judges are listening to the candidates’ presentation with great expectations and enthusiasm. Top: All the candidates are completely absorbed by the instructor’s demonstration, keen to pick up the moves as quickly as possible. photos by Catherine Dai Liting 18 19