International Student Guide Student guide | Page 12

Academic calendar Grades UnB Grades SS MS MM MI II SR UnB mark 9,0 to 10 7,0 to 8,9 5,0 to 6,9 3,0 to 4,9 0,1 to 2,9 zero *Approval grades are: SS, MS and MM. SR mention is attributed to failure for absences when the student did not attend a minimum of 75% of classes. 12 UnB academic calendar (Important dates, activities, student card request, etc) is provided by the Secretary of Academic Administration (SAA) at the following address: First semester From February/March to July Public holidays Good Friday, April 21 th , May 1 st , Corpus Christi Winter break Mid July Second semester From August to December Public Holidays September 7 th , October 12 Th , November 2 nd , Summer Break December to February/March