University is your time to push yourself and find out who you really are . But we know that you cannot develop into the person you want to be without support . Whether you need help with your study skills or other areas of your life , at Portsmouth you will be a part of a community that will support you .
Personal tutors
All students are given a personal tutor , who provides pastoral care and supports your academic and professional development . They will give you advice , teach you new skills and help you perform at your best .
Skills for your academic success
Whether you want guidance to improve your performance or advice on how to stay on top of your studies , our learning development tutors and the Academic Skills Unit ( ASK ) offer confidential , personalised tutorials to help you develop and succeed at university .
Maths Café
Offering free advice and help with mathematical skills in a friendly , informal environment , Maths Café serves students from across the University . Tutors are on hand daily for all problems , no matter how big or small .
English language support
If English is not your first language , we offer Pre-Sessional and In-Sessional English courses , so you can study effectively from the moment you join us . Find out more about Pre-Sessional English on page 39 .
Keeping healthy
There are a number of doctors ( GP ) surgeries close to the University and our halls . Please make sure you register with a local surgery ( GP ) and dentist as soon as you arrive – we have a list for you to choose from once you are here so you can pick the surgery closest to your accommodation .
Financial wellbeing
Our award-winning Student Finance Team provides the highest quality information , advice and guidance , ensuring you will have access to the support and tools you need to manage your money effectively .
The Residence Life team of advisers provide 24 hours a day in-person welfare support for those living in halls and private accommodation . Their team of Residence Life Assistants provide peer-to-peer led advice drop-ins , social activities , community activities and skills-based events on campus throughout the academic year .
Pastoral support , reflection and prayer
The Chaplaincy Team is here to listen to you , whatever you want to talk about . You can book an appointment or just drop in . We have dedicated prayer rooms for Muslim students , with ablution facilities . We also have a multi-faith room , for anyone who needs a space to pray or reflect . The Chaplaincy Lounge is a safe space for all our students .
Global Café
If you want to meet other students in a friendly , informal environment then the Global Café is for you . Get to know students from other countries , and share knowledge and experiences of different cultures and languages .
The Additional Support and Disability Advice Centre ( ASDAC )
If you have a disability , medical condition or additional learning need which may affect your ability to access the campus , curriculum , teaching , learning , assessment or any other University service , contact ASDAC for confidential advice and guidance .
Mental health and wellbeing
Our Student Wellbeing Service is here to give you extra emotional support when you need it , through workshops , courses , wellbeing advice , mental health support and counselling . The Wellbeing Café is a staffed , friendly meeting place where you can learn new skills related to wellbeing or just relax with a coffee and play board games .
Our annual Feel Good Fest features craft workshops from local artists , displays from student societies , sports and fitness sessions , healthy food tasting and much more .
Our WhatsUp app allows you to monitor your moods and access support and advice from Student Wellbeing staff online .
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