International Shopping Tours Volume 1. Issue 1. | Page 6
Travel with your own
Design Consultant
We're thrilled to have secured
We'll visit out of the way
Better Homes and Gardens
places, such as factories,
magazine decorating editor
warehouses and studios, which
Dora Papas as our guest
are rarely visited by tourists.
consultant on this tour.
There'll be design workshops
and on-the-go consultations
Dora has been with the Better
with Dora, as well as luxury
Homes and Gardens magazine
accommodation, air-
and television show for more
conditioned transport to
than a decade, and she will
shopping venues and, if
bring a wealth of interior
required, assistance with
design and renovation
shipping and customs to get
expertise to this tour.
your bulky pieces home.
Balinese style is perfect for the
Bali is a fabulous place to shop
Australian way of life and the
for your home, but having
relaxed mix-and-match way
Dora on board will make this
Australians like to decorate.
a tour an extra-special
As our consultant, Dora can
experience for anyone who has
help you to find the kind of
a serious interest in renovating
pieces that will add the wow
or adding a few new touches to
factor to your home.
their home and garden.