Dear Twist of Fate,
What shall I do? I am to suppose to marry a man whom I do not love. That is not even the worst part of the story. I am not only supposed to marry a man I do not love, but I am already married. I tried to tell my parents I could not marry him and that did not go over well. My father threatened to disown me and put me out on the street or kill me for he really likes the guy HE chose. Also, I am not brave enough to tell my parents about my husband for they hate him and his family. Our families have been fighting for decades, but the two of us fell into a passionate love and I cannot bear to marry anyone else. I would ask my dear husband to tell them, but he has been banished. For he killed my dear cousin and the prince sent him away. Luckily he was not killed as my parents wanted. I am so desperate I am about ready to take a knife and kill myself. Oh why did you leave me dear husband? What shall I do? Should I marry him? Or do I kill myself to escape this terrible world?
Alone Lover
Dear Alone Lover,
Whatever you do, please do not kill yourself. No one is worth so much that you should kill yourself. I suggest you do not marry another man, for you will never be satisfied as long as your beloved is still alive. Instead, find someone who you trust and find a way to join your husband at the place where he was banished to. Sneak away from your house and join him. Life is too short already, so don’t cut it shorter than it has to be. Find someone wise and who thinks up ingenious plans and leave all thoughts of suicide behind you. Look toward the hope of leaving your home to be with the one you truly love.
Twist of Fate
Ask Fate If It will...TwIST
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