International Racing Pigeon Issue nr 3 . June 2018 | Page 73

he is from Paul Woolliss of Grimsby bloodlines. This was a hard race Joe into a North East wind and returns were gappy at clock reading. Could you please give a mention to our club secretary Harry Mullin who is in hospital at the present time and wish him a speedy recovery from all the boys in the club; thanks once again Joe; Gavin

Good SNFC Birds

I arranged with my son Mark to assist me with collecting details of birds for this feature and discovered 3 birds that I don’t think I have covered and if I have then I apologies. I start with Mr & Mrs Elliot of Newbigging whose blue white flight cock SU15L 394 has won 5 times in the SNFC with 3 of these positions being won in 2017. In 2016 he won for Littlehampton a distance of 360 miles being 7th section E 207th open. He was then sent to Roye and won 13th section 96th open flying 491 miles. In 2017 he was sent to Buckingham a distance of 276 miles and won 39th section E 218th open; then sent to Bedhampton a distance of 351 miles and won 52nd section E 437th open. Then sent over the channel to Ypres a distance of 429 miles and he won 74th section E but no open position. He now needs one more section prize for a Silver Award and 2 more diplomas from inland nationals to gain a Bronze award, so we wish the partnership well in 2018 and I will be keeping a close look out for this cock for future reference. My next pigeon also won twice in 2017 this was also a blue cock to John Duthie of Dundee SU13S 91 has won 4 times from inland nationals and twice from over the channel. His positions are as follows; As a yearling he won 17th section C 80th open from Maidstone a distance of 393 miles; the following year he was sent to Portsmouth and won 54th section C 195th open flying 398 miles. In 2016 he won twice being 66th section C 254th open from Buckingham a distance of 320 miles he then went to Roye and won 8th section C 31st open flying 526 miles. Then in 2017 he won 52nd section C 187th section from Bedhampton a distance of 399 miles and was then entered into the Ypres national and won 42nd section C 151st open flying 459 miles. So well done John and I will also monitor this blue cock in 2018 good luck with him. My next pigeon is in the same category as the above blue cock having won 4 times from inland nationals and twice from over the channel. This blue cock SU14P 5640 is raced by the father and son partnership of A S Thomson & son of Port Seton in the Lothians. In 2015 he won 3 times from his first race from Billericay a distance of 332 miles he was 45th section B 71st open; he then went to Portsmouth a distance of 363 miles and won 9th section B and 9th open his 3rd national race that year was from Eastbourne a distance of 385 miles and he won 33rd section B 44th open. In 2016 he competed from Ypres and won 8th section B 9th open flying 428 miles. Then in 2017 he was sent to Buckingham a distance of 286 miles and he won 10th section B 33rd open and to compete his season he was sent to Ypres a distance of 428 miles and won 10th section B 16th open, He has been 4 times in the top 10 in his section and 6 times in the top 100 in 6 SNFC races. We wish Sinclair and his son all the best with this pigeon in 2018 and hope he can leave his mark in the annuals of the SNFC.

Joe’s Joke

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