International Mining August 2024 | Page 85

SLOPE STABILITY our services to more customers through our existing three centres , so we ’ re not planning to open a fourth location just yet .
Q Are you finding that customers either opt for close monitoring eg SSR-XT for areas known to be more at risk or the wider broad scanning from SSR-Omni or SSR-FX ? Or in some cases are they opting to use both as they are providing different functions ? A We ’ ve observed that customers generally use SSR-XT for targeted monitoring of known hazard areas , while for broader monitoring , they often go for SSR-FX or SSR-Omni . Our new atmospherics algorithm , Precision Atmospheric , has made SSR-FX and SSR-Omni particularly popular , especially in areas with challenging atmospheric conditions . Being technology agnostic allows us to recommend the best technology for each specific application , and we frequently see a mix of solutions deployed across different site areas . With Terra Insights joining GroundProbe under Orica Digital Solutions , our customers can access an even broader product portfolio . This enhances our ability to tackle complex and varied geotechnical problems . We believe their technologies will strengthen our offerings , providing more comprehensive geosolutions capabilities . Our combined fleet includes radars , lasers , inclinometers , ShapeArrays , piezometers , GNSS , InSAR , and vibration sensors — all highly technical and irreplaceable tools . By working closely with our customers , we can package fit-for-purpose monitoring solutions that meet their specific needs .
Q Are a lot of your customers deploying the MonitorIQ ® Enterprise today to be able to aggregate data not just from your SSRs but also from a range of other scanners and sensors including from other suppliers ? What has the feedback on this platform been like ? A We have customers using MonitorIQ ® Enterprise to combine data from various sensor types , including radars , lasers , robotic total stations , GNSS , and InSAR . With Terra Insights , customers also have access to Navstar ’ s GeoExplorer . Both MonitorIQ ® Enterprise and GeoExplorer are available today under the Orica Digital Solutions banner .
calibration , and the strong agreement between simulated results and observed historical failures , confirm that the conceptual failure mechanisms , as expected , likely involved a combination of major- and intermediate-scale structures as well as a rock mass failure component .”
The structural complexity and scale of the North Wall represents an ideal case for the application of the DFN-LE approach . With the scale of the Apex slope , it is not feasible to capture all of the structure needed to consider the stability of the slope as wireframed objects . As such , the generation of stochastic intermediate-scale structures to infill the slope with these critical structures provides a geologically sensible and efficient modelling approach .
From a slope the size of the North Wall , there was only one domain ( SED _ III ) that showed results that were inconsistent with observed instabilities . The sensitivity analyses showed that in the case of the SED _ III domain , overrepresentation of the intermediate-scale faults led to a higher Probability of Block Occurrence ( POBO ) and subsequent BF %. “ Reduction of the intensity of these structures resulted in good agreement between observed and simulated results . On the basis of this probabilistic backanalysis of historical instabilities , it is believed that this approach can also be reliably used in predictive stages of analysis . The application of the DFN-LE approach represents a significant advancement in the probabilistic assessment of medium to strong , moderately to highly fractured rock masses .”
Senceive opens more doors for wireless remote monitoring
Developers at UK IoT monitoring specialist Senceive have launched two products that extend the capability of wireless remote monitoring in various mining applications . Firstly , the introduction of a satcomms capability means that the powerful technology can be deployed at the world ’ s most remote mine sites .
“ Until now , the adoption of wireless remote monitoring technologies to monitor mine assets has relied on the availability of cellular coverage to relay data from the site to remote stakeholders . This has been critical in applications such as the management of slope risk , tailings dam integrity and the condition of mine assets such as haulage railways . Users benefit from continuous data and automated alerts using kit that is cost-effective and drastically cuts the need for site visits .”
The first system has been running successfully on a mining railway bridge in the tropical rainforest of Gabon , West Africa for over three months and provides remote teams with frequent updates and automated alerts if preset movement thresholds are breached . With considerable interest from mine operators in other remote regions including Canada , USA and South America , the satcomms link is set to enable miners worldwide to take advantage of wireless condition monitoring technology .
In a further development , the team at Senceive say they are delighted with the effectiveness of their new Digital Interface Node , which allows a diverse range of geotechnical , environmental and structural instruments to be integrated with existing wireless communications platforms . Examples include borehole instruments such as piezometers and inclinometers and structural sensors such as load or pressure cells , as well as multi-functional weather stations – as long as the instrument has a digital output .
“ Users benefit because automated and frequent data transfers have replaced manual logging , and because a range of different sensor types can be integrated into the same system - a significant step towards smart mining and datadriven decision-making .” IM

MEI Conferences

November 11-13 , 2024 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : Petrolab , Conundrum , Capstone Copper , ZEISS , Promet101 , AECI , International Mining , Minerals Engineering & the Critical Minerals Association
November 14-15 , 2024 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : Steinert , Petrolab , Conundrum , Capstone Copper , Promet101 , AECI , International Mining , Minerals Engineering & the Critical Minerals Association
March 31 - April 3 , 2025 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : King ’ s Beads , Russell Mineral Equipment , Global Met Tech , Glencore Technology , ME Elecmetal , Metso , Eracles - Ceramiche Tecniche , FLSmidth , Magotteaux , CiDRA Minerals Processing , Weir Minerals , Capstone Copper , Sino Grinding , Metcelerate , Nesch Mintec , Conundrum , Derrick Corp ., Maelgwyn Mineral Services , CITIC Heavy Industries , Molycop , International Mining , Minerals Engineering , CEEC & the Critical Minerals Association
November 17-20 , 2025 | Cape Town , South Africa
Sponsored by : Promet101 , Magotteaux , GoldOre , Metso , Maelgwyn Mineral Services , Eriez , CiDRA Minerals Processing , Metcelerate , MetSoP , Nesch Mintec , AECI Mining Chemicals , Nalco Water , Conundrum , Clariant , Capstone Copper , Glencore Technology , FLSmidth , International Mining , Minerals Engineering , CEEC & the Critical Minerals Association
www . min-eng . com / conferences /
AUGUST 2024 | International Mining 81