International Mining August 2024 | Page 82

opens the way to potential data fusions that will allow greater reliability of future tailings dam monitoring . The characteristics and statistics of the radar signal on vegetated slopes are still being studied and hopefully , in the near future , further new processing developments will allow for ever greater reliability of the GBSAR results .”
Groundwork mainly uses its Maptek LR3 laser scanner on quarry pit walls
Reutech ’ s Berm Monitoring System
In the fast-paced world of modern mining , the relentless pursuit of production targets often compromises safety . One critical area of concern is the frequent practice of dumping near the edges of stockpiles and spoil piles . While necessary for operational efficiency , this practice increases the risk of over-the-edge tipping accidents . Dynamic berms , which are essential safety barriers , must be meticulously maintained at specific heights to mitigate these risks . The Berm Monitoring System ( BMS ) is a technological solution from South Africa ’ s Reutech Mining .
The company told IM that traditional methods such as the ‘ Cone & Eye ’ and ‘ Dozer Blade approaches rely heavily on subjective visual assessments to ensure berm compliance . These qualitative methods are fraught with inconsistencies and inaccuracies , insufficient for today ’ s high-stakes mining operations where precise , quantitative data is paramount . Moreover , crucial safety metrics like Dump Advance Rate , Water Pondage , and Dump-to- Design compliance are often neglected or inadequately measured , exacerbating the risk of accidents and operational inefficiencies .
Reutech : “ The BMS addresses these challenges by delivering quantitative , real-time data , forming a closed-loop control circuit between the system , control room , and dozer interface . This mobile , solar-powered , laserbased system ensures rapid response to any substandard berms , thereby significantly enhancing mine safety .”
Operating within a range of 10 to 400 m , the BMS achieves height accuracy within 10 cm . “ Remarkably , it completes a 360-degree scan in just three minutes . Designed to function in extreme weather conditions , the system uses a web-based interface . Its data generation and communication capabilities are compatible with existing Wi-Fi infrastructures , facilitating seamless integration into current operations .”
The BMS utilises a robust RIEGL laser scanner , built to endure harsh mining environments . This scanner provides precise and highly accurate measurements of berm height and compliance , eliminating the guesswork and human error associated with traditional methods . By detecting non-compliant berms instantly , the system alerts operators immediately , enabling swift corrective actions . This proactive approach not only prevents accidents but also enhances overall safety .
With the assurance of compliant dynamic berms , haul truck drivers can dump material accurately , reducing the need for dozers to correct short dumps . This results in significant diesel savings and more efficient operations .
Beyond monitoring berm height , the BMS also tracks Dump Advance Rate , Water Ponding , and Dump-to-Design compliance . “ This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of dump safety are managed effectively , providing a safer working environment .”
The BMS ’ s ability to predict and identify lowlying areas prone to water ponding before rainfall also allows for proactive management , mitigating risks associated with water accumulation .
Reutech concludes : “ The BMS represents a significant leap forward in mine safety technology . By providing accurate , real-time data and comprehensive safety metrics , it ensures the maintenance of critical safety barriers and enhances overall operational efficiency . In an industry where safety and productivity are paramount , the BMS is not just an innovation ; it is a necessity .”
Maptek laser scanning chosen for specialised consultancy
High demand for slope stability assessments recently led a consulting company to pivot towards acquiring a Maptek™ LR3 laser scanner for in-house monitoring services .
Groundwork , part of SLR Consulting , provides professional geoscience , environmental science , planning and development consultancy services to the mining , quarrying , construction , land use development , power generation and waste management industries . The Groundwork team
provides a range of geotechnical services for quarry development and management including rock exploration and appraisal , drilling campaigns , geotechnical engineering , assessments and design , ground control management plans ( GCMPs ), and slope stability assessments .
While undertaking GCMPs and slope stability assessments , Groundwork had previously contracted Maptek to map and monitor wall movement . The usefulness of the data acquired gave Groundwork insight into the value of Maptek hardware and software systems .
“ Under pressure from a growing workload and high demand for stability assessments , we decided to procure our own scanner ,” said Tristan Throup , Operational Consultant , Groundwork .
Maptek assisted the Groundwork team in the transition and provided all the relevant historical data for them to continue the services with their own equipment . “ We could continue wall monitoring and deformation reporting to our clients , while also being responsive to specific requests ,” Throup said .
Providing this service in-house has immensely grown Groundwork ’ s internal capability . The geotechnical engineers can make more informed decisions with confidence in the accuracy of the data . Clients have noted the level of detail they can now observe from small rock falls , erosion or slumping . This is particularly evident for slowmoving events that might not otherwise be detectable . The data helps clients to understand events they may not have realised were happening , allowing proactive management before issues escalate .
Groundwork mainly uses the laser scanner on quarry pit walls . The datasets are easily registered using Maptek PointStudio™ software
78 International Mining | AUGUST 2024