International Mining August 2024 | Page 68


Bespoke blasting

In a highly commoditised market for explosives , technology players are looking to carve out new technology niches that can solve industry problems . Dan Gleeson speaks to the sector ’ s major players

Blasting , at its core , is a straightforward exercise that requires explosives to be put into chosen holes and detonated at the correct time in a safe and efficient fashion .

The true experts in this space have been able to take ‘ safe and efficient ’ processes much further , however , introducing new technologies that not only boost these metrics , but also increase productivity and sustainability .
IM hears from some of these companies , finding out how global expertise and technology are being applied on – in many cases – a localised basis .
At the forefront of blasting
Innovation and technology have been a driving force for Orica , and they continue to be as the company looks to partner with their customers and the industry to deliver smarter solutions to sustainably mobilise the earth ’ s resources .
In terms of the company ’ s plans to “ revolutionise ” underground mining , Orica can reference several solutions that go beyond the immediate explosives and blasting value chain . The 4D™ underground bulk system is one such solution , which , according to Orica , offers a range of advantages over conventional blasting methods . This system , a global first of its type in the underground space , enables the delivery of multiple energies in a single blasthole during one pass , even across extended charge lengths , the company says . This results in optimised energy distribution to deliver superior rock fragmentation while reducing waste rock dilution .
Real-world applications of 4D are delivering some notable results , with Orica referencing an implementation At MMG ’ s Dugald River mine in Queensland , where the system has the potential
to add A $ 23.5 million ($ 15.9 million ) annually in net smelter revenue from zinc ore and savings of A $ 1.4 million from minimised waste rock dilution . The automated nature of the system also improved workforce health and safety by reducing manual tasks and operational rework .
The 4D bulk system technology is also making an impact in the surface mining sector , helping reduce the impacts of operations , especially where operations are encroaching on communities .
For instance , at the Bloomfield coal mine in New South Wales , the 4D system was able to achieve a 20 % reduction in relative bulk strength and a 12 % decrease in powder factor , with no
Dyno Nobel says it continues to exhibit its customer-centric technology and application expertise to win new customers and add value to existing ones
fume occurrences and consistent fleet productivity , according to Orica .
Still on surface , Orica flagged the planned release of its next generation Mobile Manufacturing Unit ( MMU™ ), known as the Bulkmaster™ Pro . This is scheduled for a global release in late 2025 , with the model boasting the most advanced bulk delivery technology , combining the best features of previous versions , to offer enhanced loading efficiencies , superior safety features and state-of-the-art integrated
The underground 4D bulk system is the first bulk explosive system in the world of its type to enable delivery of multiple energies in a blasthole in a single pass , and across extended blasthole lengths , according to Orica
64 International Mining | AUGUST 2024