International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 8

International Journal on Criminology
La novedad radical de esta crisis radica en que reúne estas dos dimensiones y que , para comprenderla , es necesario captar estos dos conceptos clave de forma panorámica .
Palabras clave : Gestión de crisis , gobernanza , gérmenes , COVID , seguridad


1898 年 , 作家 H . G . Wells 出版了《世界大战》 , 他在这部小说 中想象了在军事和科技上都更强的外星力量所发起的第一次 成功侵略和最终被一种可怕的武器 — 突然消灭火星人的不明 微生物 — 所摧毁 。
当下 , 我们正面临一次惊人的大事件 , 它是这部经典小说的 颠倒镜像 , 该事件能通过科学加以解释 , 而不是小说 。 一次 总体性危机 ( total crisis ) 首次在人类历史上冲击着整个世 界 。
这次危机的根本独特性源于一个事实 , 即它把两个维度放在 一起 , 并且为了对其加以理解 , 有必要以整体的方式把握这 两个关键概念 。
关键词 : 危机管理 , 治理 , 病菌 , 新型冠状病毒病 , 安全

In 1898 , H . G . Wells published The War of the Worlds , a novel in which he imagined the first victorious invasion , then the final destruction of extraterrestrial forces , militarily and technologically superior , by means of a terrible weapon , but familiar to Earthlings : unidentified microbes suddenly annihilated the Martians .

On October 30 , 1938 , the eve of Halloween in the United States , the radio version of the story by the young Orson Welles , for which he was famous , became a national hoax and a model for the manipulation of people by the mass media .
Today , we are faced with a dramatic event that is an inverted mirror image of that classic of anticipation , a dramatic event that is no less a part of science , but not a part of fiction . For the first time in the history of humanity , a total crisis has struck the world as a whole .