International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 58

International Journal on Criminology
from and where it goes — and what it does — we will successively address the following points :
• Important data on illicit trade , relating to the field of our study ( Southern Europe and the Maghreb )
• The history of France-Maghreb traffic ( for more than sixty years )
• A geopolitical vision of “ globalization from below ” How does this “ globalization from below ” work ?
• A geopolitical vision of troubled areas on a transcontinental scale
• Spotlight on “ the mother of all troubled areas ” ( of the region under consideration ) Ben Gardane-Ras Jedir , on the border between Libya and Tunisia , the most problematic border in Africa . 7
EUROPE Trafficking in Human Beings ( TEH )

By inducing and provoking many others , it is necessary to focus on criminal networks smuggling illegal immigrants into Europe . Europol has announced that the number of smugglers ( operating in networks ) has exploded in the last two years . Europol has even announced a doubling of their number , from ± 30,000 smugglers in September 2015 to ± 55,000 at the end of 2016 and ± 65,000 at the end of 2017 . 8

The origin of these smugglers can be broken down as follows :
Europe ( Balkans ) ± 60 % Middle East ± 15 % Africa ± 13 % Western Asia ± 9 % Americas ± 1 %

As cigarette / tobacco smuggling / counterfeiting is a flagship activity of global smuggling , let ’ s observe it in the country of origin of trafficking to the Maghreb . It should be recalled that 80 percent of tobacco smoked in France

7 “ Global Statistics on Alcohol , Tobacco and Illicit Drug Use , 2017 ,” Wiley Online Library , May 10 , 2018 .
8 “ Migrants : 65,000 Smugglers in the Sights of Europol , 13 Percent of Whom Come from Africa ,” Media 24 ( Morocco ), April 6 , 2018 .