International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 30

当 “ 独狼 ” 成群 — 解构安全传闻
International Journal on Criminology

当 “ 独狼 ” 成群 — 解构安全传闻

2015 年伊斯兰恐怖袭击 、 在叙利亚发动圣战或希吉拉 ( 跟随 穆罕默德迁移 ) 的集体行动 、 伊斯兰恐怖主义的家族或友好 资助 、 以及对身为囚犯的伊斯兰恐怖分子予以协调和支持的 各机构都已表明 : 在现实中 , 独狼已经成群 。
研究人员 Hugo Micheron , Gilles Kepel 指导下的政治学博士 生 ) 在下列地点开展了 5 年的调查 : 巴黎 、 图卢兹 、 尼斯 、 里尔 、 鲁贝和图尔宽的郊区 , 中东 ( 土耳其 、 黎巴嫩 、 伊拉 克库尔德斯坦以及叙利亚 , Hugo 于 2008-2009 年间在叙利亚 生活 ), 以及四所接收激进伊斯兰主义者的监狱 , 他在监狱 中进行了 80 次包含群体和个体的面谈 。
关键词 : 伊斯兰 , 恐怖主义 , 巴黎 , Micheron , Kepel


classic silvicultural metaphor asserts that the tree hides the forest . Reading Hugo Micheron ’ s Le jihadisme français . Quartiers , Syrie , prisons , published in 2020 by Gallimard , one becomes aware that French politicians and intelligence officials have spread the myth of the lone wolf to reassure public opinion . The Islamist attacks of 2015 , the collective departures to carry out jihad ( holy war ) or hijra ( exile after the model of Mohammed ) in Syria , the family or friendly financing of Islamist terrorism , and the associations of coordination and support for Islamist terrorists who are prisoners have shown that in reality , the lone wolf hid the herd . In the preface to his book , French political scientist specializing in Islam , Gilles Kepel , explains that it is necessary to seek the causes of these individual and collective attacks that have bruised France from 2015 to 2019 , from Charlie Hebdo to the attack in the heart of the Paris prefecture . The latter sees it as the Salafist subversion of French society . Arab researcher Hugo Micheron , a political science PhD student under the direction of Gilles Kepel , conducted five years of investigations in the suburbs of Paris , Toulouse , Nice , and Lille-Roubaix-Tourcoing , in the Middle East ( in Turkey , in Lebanon , Iraqi Kurdistan , and Syria , where he lived for a year from 2008 to 2009 ) and in the four prisons receiving radicalized Islamists , where he conducted eighty interviews of groups or individuals , including “ Maurad ,” who converted the Clain brothers .