International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 14

International Journal on Criminology
In June 2019 , the main military laboratory of this kind in the United States , USAMRIID in Fort Detrick , was shut down urgently for “ security breaches .”
Could Wuhan ’ s P3 or P4 have leaked the coronavirus ? Worse yet : could it have been the result of intentional manufacture with lethal intent ?
Quickly , the conspiratorial hypotheses come to confront the scientific theses . With very few exceptions , the “ signature ” of human intervention is not identified in any of the virus ’ s sequences . But Dr . Jean Claude Perez , a former collaborator of Professor Montagnier ’ s , suggests a different voice regarding a potential sequence anomaly in RaTGT3 ( the original strain ).
While the possibility of an accidental escape of the coronavirus remains widely considered , no one can commit beyond this conjuncture at the time of writing .
While the two great powers vying for world leadership have a new opportunity to confront each other , observers are pointing out that China ’ s ecological novelty and America ’ s organic disorder are now , for the first time , taking their place as a matter of course in the eyes of world opinion .
This is not , however , a cause for celebration in France , which is also being hit hard by the revealing dimension of the crisis . The national triptych “ Negation , Minoration , Ejection ” ( in everyday French : “ ce n ’ est pas vrai ,” then “ ce n ’ est pas grave ,” and finally “ ce n ’ est pas de ma faute ”) will serve as an excuse . There is no point in going back here on the “ masquerade ” of the tricks and turns of a Health Minister who , dreaming of becoming another Simone Veil , took the risk of being caricatured as a new Doctor Garretta ! In France ’ s chaotic management of the epidemic , total containment , which is nonetheless one of the conceivable and effective weapons , ultimately appeared to be the fruit of unpreparedness , denial , and scarcity , even though the previous pandemic had been perfectly anticipated .
Between 2007 and 2012 , following the outbreak of the H1N1 virus , the state had indeed built a remarkable system against pandemics — a system that , fortunately , was not needed at that time . With the same determination , the state then deconstructed its tool in the belief that what had not happened would never happen . It was as if , every year , people asked for their fire insurance or health insurance premiums to be reimbursed because they did not have to use it .
Very often , what seems new appears mostly as what we had lost sight of . Administrative amnesias also have a lasting impact on crisis management . As Michel Rocard was fond of reminding us : “ When it comes to major bureaucratic disasters , we have to rely much more on bullshit than on conspiracy . The former is within everyone ’ s reach , and therefore widespread , while the latter requires a great deal of intelligence and organization , and proves to be much rarer than one might think .”