International Journal on Criminology Volume 8, Number 1, Winter 2020/2021 | Page 102



International Journal on Criminology
颠覆是 “ 动态背景下一个国家或政治系统的去稳定化过程 ” 。 该过程能通过用于实现去稳定化目标的不同途径加以观 察 : 渗透 、 错误信息以及 ( 政治 ) 宣传 ; 然后是破坏和暴 动 ; 并最后出现恐怖主义 、 游击战或战争 。
尽管当前难以发现真正具有颠覆性的政治运动的存在 , 但却 有可能察觉具有颠覆倾向或意图的抗议形式的存在 , 即使不 能从中发现任何形式的国家去稳定化 。
关键词 : 颠覆 , 去稳定化 , 游击队 , 暴动 , 警方 , 国家

Subversion is a “ process of destabilization of a state or political system in a dynamic context ”. 1 This process can be observed through different means to achieve the goal of destabilization : infiltration , disinformation , and propaganda ; then sabotage and riots ; and finally terrorism , guerrilla warfare , or war .

While it is difficult to observe the existence of real subversive political movements today , it is possible to note the existence of forms of protest with subversive tendencies or intentions , although one cannot see any destabilization of the state as an effect .
Nota Bene : For the sake of political communication , the deputies vote “ antibreakers ” in a fast-track procedure , although there is no additional legislation and the right to demonstrate is actually diminished . Legislative differences could therefore appear in relation to the date of writing of the contribution .
I . Typology of Protest Movements

French history is rich in protest and even insurrectional events , whether with

the Revolution of 1789 ; the insurrections of 1830 , 1844 , 1870 , or May 1968 ; or even today with pre-insurrectionary elements . Numerous clues show that not only do the French aspire to a coup d ’ Etat 2 and that the conditions for a global
1 Baud ( J .), Encyclopédie des terrorismes et violences politiques , Charles Lavauzelle , 2003 , p . 657
2 http :// www . liberation . fr / france / 2015 / 05 / 05 / les-classes-moyennes-revent-d-un-coup-d-etatcitoyen _ 1291326 .