International Journal on Criminology Volume 7, Number 1, Winter 2019/2020 | Page 74

Criminal Networks: The Forgotten Actors of International Politics forth through these trusted go-betweens. Lieutenants, however, are not involved in strategic decision making. Other caporegimes serve as chiefs of operating units. The lowest level “members” of a family is the soldati, the soldiers or “button” men, who report to the caporegime. The right to constitute a family abroad is called decina (a tens), as it is said that 10 men of honor are necessary to build a family (Reski 2013). On average, families have between 25 and 30 men of honor. It is crucial to note that all subsidiary families created abroad remain faithful and hierarchically submitted to the Sicilian cosca of its founding members. This rule is de facto maintaining coherence in the implementation of the global strategy decided by the Coupola. The Coupola or Commission is Cosa Nostra’s overarching body where all rules and major decisions are made, usually by consensus. It gathers capomendati (mandated Mafiosi representing three or four families) from all Sicily and is headed by the most powerful of their own, Capo di tutti capi (“boss of all bosses”) such as Bernardo Provenzano and Toto Riina. In the 1960s, membership was, ethnically speaking, exclusively Italian– American—Cosa Nostra families only started to include Neapolitans and Calabrese associates in their ranks in the 1930s and more noticeably in the 1960s. Interestingly, many Jewish gangsters have played a significant role in the development of Cosa Nostra in the United States and some of them were given high positions of commands. Among many others, we can cite Arnold Rothstein who mentored Charles “Lucky” Luciano, the founder of the modern Mafia, Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel, the head of Murder Incorporated, 2 and founder of the modern Las Vegas, and finally Meyer Lansky, consigliere of several families’ bosses and who managed their investments in the construction, tourism, and gambling industries in Florida and the Bahamas (Cockayne 2016). 2.1.2. Mafias’ Normative Order In the following section, we present Mafias’ as a counter-government operating with its own laws, judicial system, and codes. This obviously constitutes a direct challenge to Nation-States as they are founded on their normative production and legitimacy. What are the components of Mafias’ normative order? Mafiosi are soldiers primarily fighting for the interests of their Mafia. Through its enforcement power and in exchange for an absolute obedience to the hierarchy and normative order, Mafias provide security and protection to its initiates (Grennan and Britz 2006). In fact, coercion, defined as “the use of overt threat and actual force to influence another decision,” is central to Mafias’ functioning. 3 2 Murder Incorporated was a team of assassins formed by Jewish gangsters to support Luciano in his successful putsch against old Mafia leaders such as Masseria. 3 Mafias have “enforcers” in their ranks, who maintain organizational integrity by arranging for the maiming or killing of recalcitrant members. 69