International Journal on Criminology Volume 7, Number 1, Winter 2019/2020 | Page 58

A (Guided) Tour of the Digital Wild West Appendices 1 - Cybercrime, the key dates [See MalwareBytes, December 2017] 1960s • First cases of phone hacking (Phone Phreaking) • “Val Smith” (an alias) falsifies data on a computer and embezzles money from his employer via false expense claims. 1970s • (1976) Donn B. Parker publishes the book Crime by Computer. 1980s • (1981) Ian Murphy, a.k.a. “Captain Zap”, becomes the first hacker to be sentenced for hacking electronic billing systems at telecommunications company AT&T. • (1986) The US passes its Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). • (1988) Early malicious software (“Morris Worm”) infection released in the US. Its author, Robert Tappan Morris, is the first to be sentenced under the CFAA. 1990s • (1990) In Los Angeles, Kevin Poulsen is arrested for hacking the phone lines of a local radio station in order to win radio phone-in prizes. • (1994) A Russian hacker steals 10 million dollars from Citibank. • (1996) Mathew Bevan and Richard Pryce commit the first (detected) largescale hack of US military computers. 2000s • (2000) The “Love Bug” virus from the Philippines infects 50 million computers in ten days, causing 5–8 billion dollars’ worth of damage. • (2000) First mass denial-of-service (DOS) attack launched by “Mafiaboy,” causing eBay and Amazon to go down, at a cost of 1.7 billion dollars. 53