International Journal on Criminology Volume 7, Number 1, Winter 2019/2020 | Page 19

更有效地打击网络犯罪 International Journal on Criminology 摘要 本质上 , 网络犯罪是一种通过数字网络摆脱边界的有组织国际犯罪形式。网络空间提供了一个无限数字领域和容易获取的工具 , 造成了潜在受害者数量的增加 , 这产生了增加犯罪现象的危害性的效果。此外 , 在信息系统安全方面存在越来越多的挑战 , 一方面是因为网络威胁的加剧 , 另一方面是因为对 “ 存储经常具有敏感性的个人数据 ” 的系统的使用不断增加。网络安全还是 21 世纪的重大挑战之一。欧洲立法者已 将其提上议程 , 并且打击网络犯罪是一个首要的优先事项。关键词 : 网络犯罪 , 网络威胁 , 法律 Cybercrime1 is, by its very nature, an organized and international form of crime that does away with borders by means of digital networks. Cyberspace offers a limitless digital field, tools that are now easily accessible, and a growth in the number of potential victims, which has the effect of increasing the harmfulness of this criminal phenomenon. Moreover, there are growing challenges in terms of information systems security, on the one hand because of the exacerbation of cyberthreats, 2 and on the other because of the ever-increasing use of systems that host often-sensitive personal data. Cybersecurity is also one of the major challenges of the twenty-first century. It is already on the European legislator’s agenda, and the fight against cybercrime 3 is now a central priority for governments. Sizeable Cyberchallenges Besides problems arising from the transnational nature of investigations and prosecutions, criminal law standards sometimes struggle to adapt to cybercrime because constantly evolving technologies create new modes of operation for criminals. 1 Myriam Quéméner and Yves Charpenel, Cybercriminalité. Droit pénal appliqué (Paris: Economica, “Pratique du droit” series, 2010), 7. 2 Ministry of the Interior, État de la menace liée au numérique en 2018 (Paris: Ministry of the Interior, 2018), 3 William Roumier, “Justice pénale dans le cyberespace,” Droit pénal 7-8 (July 2017): alert 48. 14