International Journal on Criminology Volume 6, Number 2, Winter 2018/Spring 2019 | Page 37

International Journal on Criminology 乌拉圭大麻合法化对犯罪产生的初期影响 摘要 南美洲没有被大麻包围 , 大麻合法化也仅能对犯罪行为产生部分直接影响。大麻合法化的消极面一定不能超过其积极面 , 尤其是中心角色一定由具备实际权力的立法机构扮演。这意味着尽管出现了大麻的合法供应 , 这种供应转变为黑市的情况仅在极端情况下才会出现。 关键词 : 乌拉圭 , 毒品 , 合法化 , 南美洲 A small country wedged between two giants of Latin America (Brazil and Argentina), Uruguay has its own quite particular features both in socio-economic terms and in matters of crime and security. With one of the highest GDPs on the South American continent, Uruguay has for a long time been unaffected by the dramatic rise in criminal activity seen elsewhere in the region. However, against a background of economic crisis and increasing drug-trafficking, the security situation has clearly deteriorated. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the southern cone countries–Argentina, southern Brazil, and Paraguay—have been seriously affected by trafficking in coca derivatives (coca paste and cocaine hydrochloride). This re-routing of drugs coming out of Colombia, Peru, and above all, Bolivia, has two main explanations: first, the delayed effect of enforcement policies already set in place across the north of South America which, among other things, has led to the transfer of the centers of decision-making in the Colombian cartels to Argentina; 2 and second, a reduction in anti-drug cooperation in Bolivia that has taken place against a backdrop of increased diplomatic tension with the United States. These changes to trafficking routes also reflect a diversification of the products made from coca, and, more particularly, the increasing presence of coca paste destined for consumption by the continent's poorest people. This "poor man's cocaine" has spread right across the continent along an axis running north-west to south–from Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia to Argentina, Chile, and southern Brazil– as the increasing impoverishment of the lower and middle classes in those coun- 2 Nacer Lalam and David Weinberger, “Le trafic de stupéfiants à partir des aérodromes secondaires non surveillés et plateformes de circonstance,” INHESJ, 2012. Available at: https://www.inhesj. fr/sites/default/files/fichiers_site/etudes_recherches/synthese_aerodromes.pdf (accessed July 26, 2018). 34