International Journal on Criminology Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2014 | Page 81

Crime and Business We must finally mention the particular problem of social networks. Today the interactive Web constitutes a potential source of information leaks for businesses, as indicated in the following summary. The Protection of Businesses’ Immaterial Assets: Information Leakage and Social Networks 4 –1 out of every 7 profiles, all social networks included, is the source of an information leak. –30% of people publish professional information on the Internet –58% of people publishing professional information do so on Facebook. Internal Fraud The danger often comes from within organizations themselves—beginning with fraud. Let us explore this question through a fictional scenario. Here are a series of exchanges taking place between the brand HERCULE, part of the retail group HERAKLES, and Risk Team (a provider of economic intelligence), following the discovery of a case of internal fraud. Report on Meeting of February 18, 2012, called by Risk Team: Following our interview on Tuesday February 14, 2012, with Mr. NÉMÉE and Mr. LERNE, we have been advised of the following: A tax audit having been carried out on the Nice branch of HERCULE, false invoices, implicating local associations, have come to light. The information has been brought to the attention of the National Tax Fraud Squad. Following the discovery, a tax claim (dated November 14, 2000) has been made against HER- AKLES (the company that owns the HERCULE brand). The associations have also turned against HERAKLES. These fraudulent practices are apparently not endemic in the region, since nothing similar had been discovered in Cannes. Mr. MINOS, the official in charge of the case, wished to go to the Etampes branch (whose manager was appointed in 2010). But because of damages sustained to the files of that store (which were kept in poor conditions and destroyed for the period 2002–2005, and are missing for the period covering 2006–2008 and the second half of 2009), Mr. MINOS agreed to focus on the Amiens branch instead. In regard to the above, our recommendations are as follows: – The interview with Mr. DIOMEDE, manager of the Nice branch since 2010, should include a series of precise questions, which we propose to explore with Mr. NÉMÉE. – It is necessary to audit urgently the Amiens branch, so as to verify various things: the absence of any activity similar to that discovered in Nice, the respect for procedures concerning cash receipts for the associations (on certain products in particular), and the general good conduct of the store in regard to all legal obligations. 4 See the study carried out by IFOP for the Atelier BNP Paribas Group (November, 2010), entitled “Le Personal branding au service de la marque” (“Personal Branding in the service of the brand.”) 79