International Journal on Criminology Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2013 | Page 25

International Journal on Criminology punitive additions likely to expand, excessively, the scope of penal sanctions set by the contemporary bodies of social control. 32 Nonetheless, optimism of action must not yield to the pessimism of the intellect. The Offender–Victim Encounter series set up in the Poissy central penitentiary in 2010 augurs remarkable prospects if the legislature chooses to give it the force of law. 33 In the same vein, a few restorative-leaning penalties, by fully involving the victim, could well contribute to the fulfillment of justice. 34 Through the complementarity between the criminal justice system (which deals with the consequences of the offense) and restorative justice (which deals with its repercussions), the issue of the victim's existence itself is no longer taboo, because the measures it advocates are concerned with everyone, the offender as much as relatives and members of their communities. This is a key point, because scientific and clinical victimology now highlights the extreme vulnerability of the protagonists, their close relationship, and the interchangeability of their roles throughout their personal history and their social background. The prevention of and fight against criminal activity, on both sides of crime, is a socially complex issue. To understand and tackle it necessarily requires a transdisciplinary approach, which will be ensured, finally, by the integration of criminology into University programs. 35 Let us not forget too easily, however, that victims could become a thing of the past if prevention (particularly early prevention) were reinstated as the sole purpose of public policies for harmonious, inclusive social integration, a source of personal fulfillment and the best defense from the aggressive (auto- and hetero-) resolution of the intersubjective strife that floods our society. This is simply a rational utopianism, in the Bourdieusian sense, which plays on the knowledge of what is probable in order to achieve the possible. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 32 On these ideas, see. S. Cohen, The punitive city: note on the dispersal of the social control, in Contemporary crisis, 1979-3, 339-363; Cario, La justice restaurative, 142 et seq. 33 Cario, Mbanzoulou, Les rencontres détenus victimes à la Maison centrale de Poissy: un retour d’expérience, in Les chroniques du CIRAP, 2011-11 (Pub. Ecole Nationale d’Administration Pénitentiaire); R. Cario (ed.), Les RDV, L’Harmattan, Coll. Controverses, forthcoming, 2012. 34 Cario, La justice restaurative, 163etseq.; T. Clay, P. Joxe, C. Lazerges, J.P. Mignnard (eds.), Manifeste pour la Justice, Le cherche midi, Coll. Documents, 2012, 15. 35 R. Cario, M. Herzog-Evans, L.M. Villerbu, La criminologie à l’Université. Mythes… et réalités, L’Harmattan, Coll. Controverses, 2012. 24 !