International Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 2, Issue 1, Fall 2019/Winter 2020 | Page 59

Advancing an Open Educational Resource Initiative through Collaborative Leadership 变革管理、战略规划、和 OER 劳动力不平等时 , 阐述了在促进一项校园 OER 初期运动时 , 建立一个透明、灵活、协作式工作流程的实践过程。关键词 : 开放教育资源 ,OER, 变革管理 , 无形的劳动力 , 战略规划 Introduction What are the best practices in collaborative leadership for open educational resource (OER) initiatives within higher education? While the literature on OER implementation often emphasizes the importance of garnering support from numerous key stakeholders on campus, there can be an absence of dialogue about the work required in the critical first stages of teambuilding and establishing an OER working group. Although traditional roles for librarians typically include OER advocacy and resource searching, designated OER leadership positions for librarians have not always been considered (Braddlee & VanScoy, 2019). Similarly, the OER-related work provided by academic support staff can often be unnamed and hidden within the OER teams that perform the critical work of open course adoption and advancement within institutions (Hanley & Bonilla, 2016). While both top-down institutional support and advocacy at the ground level are necessary for sustainable OER adoption, the authors discuss first steps that can be taken to energize a campus and spur institutional awareness and commitment to the open educational cause. The collaborative OER effort took place at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), a public research university with an enrollment of 11,060 are undergraduate and 2,540 graduate students. The suburban campus is located about five miles from downtown Baltimore and draws enrollments from both U.S. and international students. Just over 70% of undergraduate students live on campus, while the remaining students commute (UMBC, n.d.-a). The university champions both student academic success and social justice in its mission to “redefine excellence in higher education through an inclusive culture ... [and] advance knowledge, economic prosperity, and social justice by welcoming and inspiring inquisitive minds from all backgrounds” (UMBC, n.d.-b). Since 2013, a division of the state university system has spearheaded a statewide OER initiative, the goal of which is to provide support in scaling the adoption of OER by public and private university and community college institutions across Maryland (University of Maryland System William E. Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation, n.d.-a). While the use of OER often results in reduced student costs, OER is also of interest because of the 51