International Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 2, Issue 1, Fall 2019/Winter 2020 | Page 209

From Soup to Nuts: Expanding Liaison and Technical Services for OER Development form knowledge. Because instructors may change over time, it is important that the text be accessible and editable by anyone teaching the class going forward. Moreover, the faculty require a platform that supports accessibility, assessment, and the ability to integrate the text into the university’s Desire- 2Learn LMS. Given these needs, the library’s collaboration with and support for the team will continue throughout development and implementation, for the foreseeable future. To address the team’s platform hosting and delivery needs, the Champion again reached out to colleagues in the technical services department who have experience with content hosting, management, and delivery. Together, the Champion and Discovery Services Librarian evaluated the OpenStax website and text, and determined that neither the library nor ALG’s document-centric institutional repository (IR) would provide an appropriate platform. While IRs have been widely adopted to host OERs and help to ensure the preservation of this content, they are less well suited to OER content that is dynamic or likely to be updated frequently by multiple stakeholders. Moreover, because this text makes extensive use of the MathML XML standard and the MathJax JavaScript library to display equations, the faculty require a platform that accommodates both in order to ensure accessibility and preserve as much of the OpenStax source material as possible. After considering a number of hosting solutions, and given the library’s prior experience hosting student-created work (Mortimore & Baker, 2019), the Champion and Discovery Services Librarian determined that LibGuides CMS was the best available solution. Springshare LibGuides and Lib- Guides CMS offer hosting, access, and permission controls that support extraordinary flexibility, both in terms of content and display and editorial access and control. Specifically, Lib- Guides CMS supports administrators’ ability to apply unique access and permission controls to individual guides or groups of guides and unique look and feel settings, including page templates, language settings, and custom guide or group-level CSS and JavaScript (JS). Because access and permission controls are applied at the guide or group administrator level, library administrators are able to cordon off guides from each other and from platform-level configurations. In this way, administrators can open up highly customized guides to faculty editors while protecting library-created content. Moreover, because LibGuides and LibGuides CMS are patron-facing platforms closely integrated with Springshare’s other products, including LibWizard, they are well suited to meet the accessibility needs of students and the assessment needs of faculty and grant funders. During early Summer 2019, the Champion proposed LibGuides CMS as a solution to the team and arranged for the Champion, Discovery Services Librarian, and faculty to meet for an initial consultation. During this meeting, the Discovery Services Librarian introduced the platform to the faculty, recommended a single LibGuide to host 201