International Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 2, Issue 1, Fall 2019/Winter 2020 | Page 130

International Journal of Open Educational Resources 成立的阿拉巴马州 OER 共享资源 (Alabama OER Commons) 上发行的第一本开放课本的创建和出版。 作者描述了经费项目的目的 , 以及他们的工作如何与全球 OER 战略保持一致 , 例如那些在 2012 年《巴黎开放教育资源宣言》中所达成的战略。作者还探究了与 ACHE/ACCS 、阿拉巴马州高等教育机构、以及校园各部门之间建立伙伴关系如何能允许其获得经费和项目参与。此外 , 作者详细描述了三个研讨会得出的结果 , 这三个研讨会推动了全州 OER 倡议的成功实现。并且 , 作者检验了创建一本 OER 课本时所必须遵循的规则 , 检验了例如 Pressbooks 等技术如何帮助促进电子内容的轻松开发 , 检验了其如何整合多媒体、并对多媒体实现开放许可 , 以促进参与。最后 , 作者探讨了在阿拉巴马州 OER 共享资源中出版图书 , 同时用谷歌分析 (Google Analytics) 追踪全球对 OER 的使用 , 以估计该项目所产生的影响。 关键词 : 奥本大学蒙哥马利分校 , 阿拉巴马州 OER 共享资源 (Alabama OER Commons),OER, 开放教育资源 Introduction Academic institutions have long recognized that student loan debt is a complicated issue, and many have recently taken steps to help alleviate some of the financial pressures experienced by their students. Open educational resources (OER) quickly became a topic of discussion at most institutions of higher education when the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) reported in 2012 that the cost of textbooks over the past 35 years had increased 812%. Using Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau data, AEI concluded “college textbooks [had] risen more than three times the amount of the average increase for all goods and services” (Perry, 2012, p. 1). This oft-quoted information was certainly not lost on families already struggling to meet the high cost of education, and marked a turning point in the intensity of those conversations (Perry, 2012). This paper highlights the two grant-funded projects the authors spearheaded, and their impact and relationship with the statewide OER initiative focused on education, promotion, and content development. Project 1: OER Statewide Workshops involved an OER workshop hosted by the Auburn University at Montgomery Library in collaboration with the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) 122