International Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 2, Issue 1, Fall 2019/Winter 2020 | Page 110

International Journal of Open Educational Resources 面 : 面对面及线上。第一步是与学生面对面谈论课本和相关成本 , 同时告诉他们 OER 的存在与替代课本源。第二步是让学生参与一项网络调查。此举帮助我们从学生视角了解其因课程费用而面临的问题。下一步 , 我们计划提出具备两个方向的外展服务方法 : 即继续对教师施以教育 , 但将更多重心放在学生上。我们的目标是让学生拥有知识 , 以对教师、行政、同龄人、甚至是家庭倡导使用 OER 。该计划的最终结论包括 : 需要将学生纳入外展服务工作 , 并鼓励他们参与未来 OER 规划和相关计划。任何单一群体都无法解决高昂的课本费用问题 ; 只有通过教师、图书管理员和学生的共同努力 , 亚当斯州立大学才能以不单作为参与者 , 同时还是贡献者的身份加入全国 OER 运动。 关键词 : 图书管理员 , 学生倡导 , 开放教育资源 (OER), 外展服务 , 大学教师 Background and Initiative Context With the rise of technology in education has come the idea that everything on the Internet is (or should be) freely accessible. While librarians and faculty know that this is far from the truth, through OER we can take steps towards making this stereotyped perception a little bit closer to reality, with the removal of cost, copyright, and other access barriers. Already, resources like OER Commons and OpenStax provide textbooks free of charge to students. In the last two decades alone, the amount of information that has been published on how to incorporate OER into higher education has increased exponentially. This literature has become a great resource for many libraries trying to start their own campus OER initiatives. Despite this new wealth of information, there seems to be a notable lack of smaller or more rural universities attempting to incorporate OER into campus practice. For all of this lack of representation, the need for OER at these schools is immense. Many rural schools face the same financial problems as larger institutions—such as underfunding— but lack the workforce required to apply for the grants that can alleviate the strain. OER grants are becoming more prevalent, but each one takes time and effort to apply for, and few faculty or staff members are able to dedicate their limited resources when outcomes are not guaranteed. Although inconclusive, publishing our findings will hopefully help fill a gap in the literature regarding rural universities’ implementation of OER initiatives. 102