International Journal of Open Educational Resources Volume 2, Issue 1, Fall 2019/Winter 2020

VOL. 2, NO. 1 FALL 2019 / WINTER 2020 Special Issue on Librarians as Fundamental, Transformational, and Visionary Leaders in the OER Movement Introduction by Our Guest Editors Kristina Clement, Samantha Cook, and Hilary Baribeau 3 Questions for an OER Leader | Featuring Marilyn Billings Building a Community of Inquiry Around OER Gretchen Scronce, Amanda Kraft, and Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem Taking OER Abroad with Library-led Partnerships Lindsey Wharton and Devin Soper Advancing an Open Educational Resource Initiative through Collaborative Leadership Erin Durham and Sherri Braxton Know Your Audience(s): Collaborating for Copyright Education Kris Joseph, Julia Guy, Amanda Wakaruk, Adrian Sheppard, and Michael B. McNally Bridging the Gap: Rural Librarians’ Journey to Understanding Students’ Role in OER Outreach Amanda N. Langdon and Katherine E. Parker Collaborative Partnerships between State Agencies and Institutions of Higher Education: Working Together to Save Students Money through OER Phill Johnson, Josh Hill, and Sandra Vigilant A Community-Based Collaborative of OER programs: A Case Study of University Initiatives Tied Together by Open Oregon Educational Resources Dawn Lowe-Wincentsen, Helen Y. Chu, Sue Kunda, Christina Trunnell, and Jeffrey Gayton What Does Free Mean? Orienting an OER Program Toward Sustainability Melissa Gustafson Teaching Critical Thinking and Metaliteracy Through OER: Theory and Practice in a Course Collaboration Trudi E. Jacobson and Sally Friedman From Soup to Nuts: Expanding Liaison and Technical Services for OER Development Dawn (Nikki) Cannon-Rech and Jeffrey M. Mortimore Coordinating OER Efforts Across a Mid-Sized College Campus Jennifer Pate, Darlene Townsend and John McGee Beyond Saving Money: Engaging Multiple Stakeholders is a Key to OER Success Jacqueline M. DiSanto, Denise Cummings-Clay, Sherese Mitchell, and Madeline Ford PSO