International Journal of Indonesian Studies Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 9
International Journal of Indonesian Studies, Vol 1 2013
I also provided students with critical literacy questions synthesised from
different theorists (see Table 1 below)
Both the teacher and I planned our syllabus informed by critical literacy for
the whole semester
We put our plans into practice and taught the students with the critical literacy
approach in English classrooms. As the teacher was new to this concept, in the
first two lessons I demonstrated the teaching before he moved to his own
independent teaching practice.
Observe and Reflect
What effect did this approach have on students‘ motivation to learn
Did critical literacy help students to become critically literate?
Table 1. Examples of critical literacy questions and its theoretical foundations
Critical Literacy Questions
Objectives and Theoretical foundations
What kind of text is this? Who wrote this To crack the code (Luke & Freebody,
text? What is this text about?
How are the characters in the text To analyse how people are constructed
and positioned in multimedia (Marsh,
2000, Vasques 2000, Van Sluys et al.,
Does the text have a balanced point of To consider multiple viewpoints (Lewison
et al., 2002)
Whose voice is heard? Whose voice is To use different voice to examine texts
not heard?
(Luke and Freebody, 1997)
What does the text want you to believe or To realise that no text is neutral or free of