Friday , September 13 at 8pm outdoor screenings : TOTALLY TERRIBLE 80s ! Weekend at Bernie ’ s dir . Ted Kotcheff , US , 1989 , HD , 98 min .
This late-1980s classic finds co-workers Larry ( Andrew McCarthy ) and Richard ( Jonathan Silverman ) spending a weekend at the beach house of their boss , Bernie ( Terry Kiser ), who ’ s secretly planning to kill the duo because they ’ ve uncovered an accounting error at the company . But when the boys arrive , Bernie ’ s already been whacked , and hilarity ensues as Larry and Richard try to keep his death a secret so that they won ’ t be considered suspects . Wacky hijinks ensue .
City Tap House proudly sponsors International House Philadelphia ’ s Outdoor Movie Series and offers 10 % off your check every Friday after 5pm all summer long . To redeem , pick up a coupon at an any IHP outdoor screening , or present your IHP ticket stub at City Tap House .
Free screening . Please bring chairs and blankets ; rain or shine .
Saturday , September 14 at 2pm FAMILY MATINEE Nana dir . Valerie Massadian , France , 2011 , 35mm , 68 min .
Nan Goldin collaborator Valerie Massadian ’ s directorial debut stars a four year old . “ There ’ s not one word , one gesture — nothing — that I imposed on her . We played ,” she told Craig Hubert of Interview Magazine . Toddler actor Kelyna Lecomte plays Nana , a girl abandoned by her mother on the outskirts of her grandfather ’ s pig farm . Filmed with a voyeuristic distance , Nana unfolds in the allowed space as the character ’ s isolation endows her own developing independence . Audiences are given an innocently intimate , contemplative glimpse of the world as Nana views it . Played with extraordinary composure , the character of Nana is a quiet delight to watch . Winner of the Best First Film prize at the Locarno Film Festival , this is a sweet , life-affirming faux-fairytale , simultaneously enchanting and elegiac .
Special discounted ticket price : $ 5 for everyone !