Céline and Julie Go Boating
of a surreal , drug-induced parallel universe ; also like Alice , they ultimately become the heroines of the story that first imprisoned them . This enigmatic and fanciful film is one of the most distinctive and imaginative movies ever made . Rivette ’ s 1974 exploration of the nature of narrative is the most mischievously immersive of the French New Wave , casually bending our perceptions of both time and space even as it keeps us fully aware of its richlyrendered world . Céline and Julie Go Boating was Rivette ’ s biggest commercial hit in France , yet remains sadly unreleased on DVD in this country , so seize the chance to catch this master stroke of whimsy and wonderment on the big screen !
Jonathan Rosenbaum is an American film critic . Rosenbaum was the head film critic for the Chicago Reader from 1987 until 2008 , when he retired at the age of 65 . He has published and edited numerous books and has contributed to some of the world ’ s most notable film publications , including Cahiers du cinéma and Film Comment . He openly promotes the dissemination and discussion of foreign film . His strong views on filmgoing in the U . S . hold that Hollywood and the media tend to limit the full range of the films Americans can see , at the cineplex and elsewhere . Jonathan Rosenbaum appears in the 2009 documentary For the Love of Movies : The Story of American Film Criticism discussing the film criticism of Manny Farber , and giving his approval to young people writing film reviews today on the Internet . Rosenbaum has long been a champion of the films of Jacques Rivette and is one of the authorities on his work which he has examined closely for decades .
L ’ Amour Fou
Saturday , September 7 JACQUES RIVETTE L ’ Amour Fou dir . Jacques Rivette , France , 1968 , 35mm , b / w , French w / English subtitles , 255 min .
This legendary , largely unseen , four-hour masterpiece is the film that solidified Jacques Rivette ’ s reputation as a major innovator in French cinema . A study of disintegrating personal relationships , L ’ Amour Fou focuses on a theater group preparing to stage Racine ’ s Andromaque as they are being filmed by a television crew . During the rehearsal , the play ’ s director recasts the lead role , replacing his wife with his former mistress . The film , shot in both 16mm and 35mm , developed from the ideas of the cast and technicians who improvised during filming . Its length is integral to its meaning and texture , bearing what critic Jean-André Fieschi calls , “ the fruit of an impossible encounter between the two extremes of absolute control and absolute freedom .”
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For more information call 215.895.6592 or visit www . ihousephilly . org .