Wednesday , July 31 at 7pm FREE TO LOVE : THE CINEMA OF THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION Fight Repression of Erotic Expression
A Free Screening and Discussion
In anticipation of Free to Love : The Cinema of the Sexual Revolution , a major film exhibition taking place in early 2014 at International House Philadelphia , we are pleased to host an evening of short films and conversation . Join filmmakers A . K . Burns , Barbara Hammer , M . M . Serra and A . L . Steiner for a public discussion on various aspects of sex , beauty , gender , pornography and the body as portrayed in art and cinema . Films to be screened include works by Peggy Awesh , Tom Chomont , James Franco , Kurt Kren and M . M . Serra .
The Color of Love dir . Peggy Ahwesh , US , 1994 , 16mm , color , 10 min .
Razor Head dir . Tom Chomont , US , 1984 , 16mm , color , 4 min .
Darling International dir . M . M . Serra and Jennifer Reeves , US , 1999 , 16mm , b & w , 22 min .
September 20 dir . Kurt Kren , Austria , 1967 , 16mm , b & w , 7 min .
The Feast of Stephen dir . James Franco , US , 2009 , video , color , 4 min .
Masculinity and Me dir . James Franco , US , 2012 , video , color , 10 min .
This program has been made possible by the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage .
Free event .
The Color of Love