Get Rid of Yourself
Wednesday , July 17 at 7pm INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART Bernadette Corporation
Confound your expectations with two provocative videos by Bernadette Corporation that look at identity through the lenses of fashion , protest , Chloe Sevigny , nothingness , and Mallarme .
Hell Frozen Over dir . Bernadette Corporation , US , 2000 , video , 19 min .
Bernadette Corporation describes this work as “ A fashion film about the poetry of Stéphane Mallarmé and the color white .” Produced for the 2000 Walker Art Center exhibition Let ’ s Entertain , this short film employs a range of strategies to approach the idea of nothingness , emptiness , and vacuity , with an eye to how these notions relate to contemporary mass-cultural entertainment . Juxtaposing “ documentary ” takes on a fashion shoot with footage of semiologist Sylvère Lotringer giving an impromptu lecture on Mallarmé on a frozen lake , Hell Frozen Over maintains an ambiguous stance from which to both critique and celebrate the power of surface .
followed by : Get Rid of Yourself dir . Bernadette Corporation , US , 2003 , video , 61 min .
This complex , multi-layered work , called an “ anti-documentary ” by its authors , combines footage of rioting at the 2001 G-8 summit in Genoa with performances by Chloe Sevigny , Werner von Delmont
and members of the Black Bloc anarchist group . These elements yield a disorienting and critical video that ultimately questions its own status and role as much as that of its subjects . The artists write that Get Rid of Yourself functions as “ a cine-tract that aligns itself with nascent forms of political resistance within the antiglobalization movement ... a filmed essay that works by betraying its own form .”
Organized in conjunction with White Petals Surround Your Yellow Heart , on view at the Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania until July 28 , 2013 .
Free screening .
July 17 – October 1 , 2013 InLiquid + IHP present Jessica Demcsak : Suspension of Time
Exhibit Opening : July 17 from 6-7:30pm , with light hors d ’ oeuvres and refreshments
Jessica Demcsak is a visual artist based in Bridgewater , NJ . In light of recent natural disasters like Superstorm Sandy , Demcsak ’ s new paintings of buildings on firewood and construction materials reflect on man-made structures and the significance of how time is spent in them .