International House Philadelphia: Program Guide Summer 2013 | Page 11

Outdoor screenings : Totally Terrible 80s !
IHP is proud to present the best of the worst of 1980s American films for our annual outdoor screening series . An important decade for commercial cinema , many films of the 1980s are remembered for wild comedy , new wave music and for their supreme cheesiness . With Totally Terrible 80s !, we salute some of our favorite guilty-pleasure films of the era including the misguided disco musicals that were inspirations for the Razzie Awards ( awards given to the “ Worst Films of the Year ”): Xanadu and Can ’ t Stop the Music . Join us on the IHP patio on selected Fridays this summer and bring chairs and blankets . Films were be screened rain or shine , with bad weather bringing the films back into The Ibrahim Theater . And be sure to join us on July 12 for DJs , drinks and dancing at our series-opening party , “ Nineteen Eighty-Disco ” prior to Xanadu .
City Tap House proudly sponsors International House Philadelphia ’ s Outdoor Movie Series and offers 10 % off your check every Friday after 5pm all summer long . To redeem , pick up a coupon at an any IHP outdoor screening , or present your IHP ticket stub at City Tap House .
Little Baby ’ s Ice Cream will be available for sale at all screenings .
Friday , July 12 at 7pm Xanadu
Friday , August 9 at 8pm Can ’ t Stop the Music
Friday , September 13 at 8pm Weekend at Bernie ’ s friday , July 26 at 8pm Electric Dreams
friday , August 30 at 8pm The Legend of Billie Jean
Warren Sonbert
Warren Sonbert ( 1947-1995 ) was one of the seminal fi gures working in American underground cinema . His passionate interest in film , classi cal music , experimental poetry , and travel is reflected in his films . Although Sonbert lived in San Francisco since the early 1970s , he spent much time in New York and traveled frequently , making perso nal appearances at showings of his works at film festivals , museums , cinematheques and other leading cultural institutions worldwide . Sonbert taught filmmaking at the San Fran cisco Art Institute , the School of the Art Ins titute of Chicago and Bard College . He also wrote opera and film reviews for weekly pu blications in San Francisco . Throughout his life , Sonbert was honored by career retrospectives in Austria , France , Germany , Norway and the United States , and individual films are repre sented in numerous institutional collections in the United States , Europe and Asia .
Sonbert made 18 films during his career . Be fore he died of AIDS in 1995 , Sonbert was working on Whiplash , which would be his final film . The postproduction on this film was completed according to Son bert ’ s specific instructions by filmmaker Jeff Scher . Whiplash had its world premiere at The New York Film Festival in 1997 .
This is the first complete retrospective of Sonbert ’ s films in Philadelphia . Organized by Light Cone ( Paris ) & Gartenberg Media Enterprises ( New York )
Thursday , July 18 at 7pm
friday , July 19 at 7pm
Queer Identity /
Overarching Themes : Art & Industry ,
From Mise-en-Scene to Montage
Militarism & Feminism ( The Female
Gaze ) / The Travel Diary
Saturday , July 20 at 5pm
saturday , July 20 at 7pm
60 ’ s New York
Silent Rhythms / Sound Symphonies
CETRA Language Solutions
IHP ’ s Language Programs and CETRA Language Solutions presents a series of international language films . They range from drama to documentaries , a variety of foreign languages to sign language , and are both thought provoking and entertaining . Learn more about the world around you through these fabulous films being screened throughout the year . We are delighted to offer these films free of charge to the public .
Tuesday , August 6 at 7pm The Woman with the 5 Elephants
Formed in 1997 , Exhumed Films was created to provide a theatrical venue for a much beloved art form that had all but disappeared in the 1990s and is in further decline in the early 21st Century : the cult horror movie .
Friday , August 23 at 8pm
TBA – please check our website for details .
The Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania www . upenn . edu believes in the power of art and artists to inform and inspire . The ICA is free for all to engage and connect with the art of our time .
Wednesday , July 17 at 7pm Monday , August 26 at 9pm
Bernadette Corporation
Last Dance : Dirty Looks at the End of Days
Reelblack promotes discoveries and rediscoveries in African-American films .
Thursday , July 25 at 7pm Big Words
Scribe Video Center Producers ’ Forum
The Producers ’ Forum in-person screening series is a lecture discussion program , that allows Scribe to invite important nationally and internationally recognized media makers to Philadelphia to share their work and talk about their process of creating .
Tuesday , August 20 at 7pm Shored Up
Tuesday , September 17 at 7pm Gideon ’ s Army
Unless noted , all IHP screenings are free admission for IHP members ; $ 7 students + seniors ; $ 9 general admission . 10