The abbrev at on stands for ' the European Env ronment Agency '.
The EEA was established by the European Union in 1990 but it started its operations in 1994 .
The EEA now has 32 member countries and six cooperating countries .
The EEA ’ s main clients are the European Union institutions — the European Commission , the European Parliament , the Council — and the member and cooperating countries as well as the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions .
The EEA gathers data and produces assessments on a wide range of topics related to the environment :
1 . Air and climate ( Air pollution ; Climate change adaptation and Climate change mitigation )
2 . Nature ( Biodiversity — Ecosystems ; Land use Soil and Water and marine environment )
3 . Economic sectors ( Environment and health ; Policy instruments ; Resource efficiency and waste and Sustainability transitions )
4 . Sustainability and wellbeing ( Agriculture ; Energy , Industry and Transport )
The EEA provides policy making agents and the public with sound , independent and reliable information on the environment . In fact , the EEA helps the member and cooperating countries of the European Union make informed decisions about improving the environment , integrating environmental considerations into economic policies and moving towards sustainability .
The EEA also coordinates the work of the European environment information and observation network ( Eionet )
This research has been done by the North Macedonian team . W E B S I T E